Town Hall - Council Chambers
2523 Estero Boulevard
Fort Myers Beach, Florida
September 24, 2001
AGENDA Regular Meeting 6:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order
III. Invocation by Father Bill Adams, Church of the Ascension
IV. Public Comment on Agenda Items
A. Review of Financial Reports: August 2001
B. Proclamation: FMB American Business Women’s Assn. Day
C. Proclamation: Congressional Redistricting
A. Final Public Hearing: Budget 2001/2002
B. Final Public Hearing on Ordinance 01-07:
1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Application 2001-1-TEXT. Annual updating of the five-year schedule of capital improvements.
2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Application 2001-2-TEXT. Consideration of amending Comprehensive Plan Policy 4-C-6 to encourage landowners along both sides of Old San Carlos Blvd to build second and third stories over their storefronts without being limited by the current hotel-room equivalency factor.
E. Discussion of Lawler’s Maintenance Contracts
1. Skybridge
2. Mound House
3. Garbage
F. Committee Appointments:
1. Bay Oaks Advisory Committee
2. MPO: Citizen Advisory Committee
G. Resolution 01-32: Impact Fees for School Districts
H. Inquiry as to possible land acquisition
XI. Approval of Minutes: August 27, 2001 and September 10, 2001
If a person decides to appeal a decision made by the Council in any matter considered at this meeting/hearing, such people may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, to include the testimony and evidence upon which any such appeal is to be based.