Town Hall - Council Chambers

2523 Estero Boulevard

Fort Myers Beach, Florida

February 4, 2002


AGENDA                                    Regular Meeting                                            3:00 P.M.



I.                Call to Order

II.               Pledge of Allegiance

III.              Invocation by Reverend Jeanne Davis, Beach United Methodist Church

IV.               Public Comment on Agenda Items

V.                            Consent Agenda

A.                 Review of Financial Reports: December 2001

B.                 Approval of Minutes: January 7, 2002, January 14, 2002 and January 17, 2002

VI.           Administrative Agenda          

A.                 Discussion and acceptance of 2000-2001 Audit


**Adjourn as Town Council and reconvene as Fort Myers Beach Public Works Services, Inc. Board of Directors**


1.      Discussion and acceptance of 2000-2001 Audit


**Adjourn as Fort Myers Beach Public Works Services, Inc. Board of Directors and recess as Fort Myers Beach Town Council


B.                 Resolution of liens for Times Square MSBU maintenance

C.                 List of delinquent Times Square Garbage MSBU merchants

D.                Discussion of Crosswalk Improvements

E.                 Coastal Engineering contract: Harbor Plan

6:30 PM

F.                  Public Hearing: Seafarer’s rezoning and developer’s agreement

G.                Final Public Hearing: Ordinance 02-01 Land Development Code Chapters 1, 2, 6, 14, 22 and 26

H.                Public Hearing: Community Development Block Grant   

VII.             Council Member Items and Reports

VIII.                   Town Manager’s Items

IX.             Town Attorney’s Items             

      X.                   Public Comment

      XI.             Adjournment


If a person decides to appeal a decision made by the Council in any matter considered at this meeting/hearing, such people may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, to include the testimony and evidence upon which any such appeal is to be based.