Town Hall - Council Chambers
2523 Estero Boulevard
Fort Myers Beach, Florida
September 22, 2003
AGENDA Regular Meeting 6:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of April 8, 2002 minutes-see memo
B. Proclamations
1. National Estuaries Day
2. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month
3. National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month
4. National Good Neighbor Day
C. Renewal of Interlocal Agreements
1. Lee County Community Development
2. Bay Oaks Recreation Center
D. Renewal of Hearing Examiner's Contract
A. Request to Approve Funding for Special Events and Review of Matrix
B. Final Public Hearing: 2003/2004 Budget
1. Resolution adopting the ad valorem tax rate
2. Resolution adopting the 2003/2004 Budget
C. Public Hearing - FPL Request for Easement at Mound House
D. Public Hearing - Ordinance 03-10 Amending Elections
E. Interpretation of Land Development Code: Chapter 34, Division 38-A. Tattoo
Studios and Body Piercing Salons.
F. Newton Beach Park Acquisition: Interlocal Agreement with Lee County
& Closing Information
VII. Council Member Items and Reports
X. Public Comment
XI. Adjournment
If a person decides to appeal a decision made by the Council in any matter considered at this meeting/hearing, such people may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, to include the testimony and evidence upon which any such appeal is to be based.