JUNE 11, 2002

Town Hall - Council Chambers

2523 Estero Boulevard






The meeting of the LPA was opened by Chairman Roxie Smith on Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at 12:10 p.m..

         Members present at the meeting:   Anita Cereceda, Betty Simpson, Jodi Hester, Nancy Mulholland, Jessica Titus, Jane Plummer and Chairman Roxie Smith.

         Excused absence from meeting:   Harold Huber and Hank Zuba 

Staff present at meeting: Town Manager Marsha Segal-George, Deputy Town Manager John Gucciardo, Dan Folke and Bill Spikowski.



         Invocation was made by Chairman Roxie Smith.  All assembled and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 14, 2002 AND MAY 21, 2002


         MOTION:       Made by Betty Simpson and seconded by Nancy Mulholland to approve the minutes of May 14, 2002. 


         VOTE:           Motion passes unanimously.


         MOTION:       Made by Betty Simpson and seconded by Anita Cereceda to approve the minutes of May 21, 2002. 


         VOTE:           Motion passes unanimously.     







         A.  Historical Preservation Element

         B.  Housing Element        

         Carol Cunningham announced that she is happy to be present today for this periodic review of the Comprehensive Plan policy.  Chairman Roxie Smith had indicated at the last session she would like to focus on the historic preservation element.  This LPA has a subcommittee, which has been working on historic preservation.  She felt that it would be helpful to get some background on this committee. 

         Chairman Roxie Smith began by indicating that this subcommittee has been meeting for two or three years.  This is a joint committee which consists of LPA and members from the Historic Society.  This group has been reviewing and going over various historic buildings and areas on the island.  It is the wish of this committee to establish a historic district.  Several areas have been discussed.  Jessica and the committee have worked on a brochure to bring public awareness to the community with regard to why they should preserve the history of Fort Myers Beach and what are the benefits of doing so.  The Historic Society has just acquired their second historic cottage.  An ongoing list is being prepared with buildings that have historic significance.  A narrative history is also in the works, which is geared more toward the businesses of Fort Myers Beach.  Her concern is that the property on Fort Myers Beach is extremely valuable, but many are not interested due to the economics of committing their property to historic preservation.  She is unsure how to get around this.  Maybe they will have to be content with having a lot of historically significant buildings with no strings attached. 

         Betty Simpson commented on the historic cottage that has just been moved.  The two have been connected by a porch and it really looks nice.  She commented that the cottage is very small and it is hard to believe people actually lived in these homes.  She feels these cottages bring in what they are looking for.  It is a splendid little cottage.

         Carol Cunningham asked how this home was obtained?  Chairman Smith replied that it was donated to the Historic Society.  Lee Melsek worked to get the School Board to donate additional land in order to move the cottage.  Several foundations donated funds to pay for the moving.

         Chairman Smith added that they are losing cottages and will lose more.  There is not much land left in public ownership that two or three cottages could be moved. 

         Jane Plummer suggested some property on Mango which is preserve.  A cottage community could be developed. 

         Dan Folke commented on the Kelly Higgins property and indicated that this is 2.6 acres.  The Council did pass a resolution stating that they would like this property to remain wetlands and mangroves.  DEP should not issue any permits to impact these wetlands.  There is still a question if the Kelly Higgins property is able to be developed.  The other portion is under a conservation easement.   

         Anita Cereceda would like to see the Town purchase the Nieman property (corner of School Street).  Clear the property and develop their civic building area.  This is a difficult piece of property to obtain development approval due to where it is located.  She feels this is a perfect piece of property for Town Hall or a civic auditorium. 

         Carol Cunningham questioned if the LPA felt this would be a good candidate to be purchased by a nonprofit or combination of nonprofit and land trust?  Anita Cereceda replied that it would be.  She has always loved this notion. 

         Carol feels this would be a feasible place to acquire property rather than in the Times Square area.

         Jodi Hester agrees and feels this whole concept would be wonderful. 

         Jessica commented if it will be necessary to unbuild the Mound House to make it historically designated why not make a little village in this area?  Anita replied that it is the land and the mound that could not be disturbed. 

         Chairman Smith feels this would be a wonderful idea, but since it is an archeological sensitive type of land she does not believe it could be disturbed.  She is unsure how much of the home would need to be removed.

         Dan Folke added that there presently are some efforts taking place to buy little lots here and there.  Some of this property may be appropriate to have a small historic cottage, which could be a passive facility. 

         Carol Cunningham reviewed that one way that is still feasible to promote the preservation of existing structures would be to find a place(s) to put to some good public use.  One scenario has been provided as a vision for School Street.  Land with conservation easements can be structured or restructured to allow some uses.  Some items need to be pulled together and then ask the Town Council for consideration on these matters.  Many government centers help to fund their long term existence by putting a structure on a piece of property and having additional uses on the site or within the building itself.    

         Carol went on to explain that a conservation easement can be structured to conserve and prohibit certain uses, but not prohibit all uses.  She expressed that the easement could be structured to allow historic cottages as long as they were built up to where they would not be flooded.  She is unsure if this could be stretched to then allow the cottages have a commercial use attached. 

         Jane Plummer commented that timing is everything.  She mentioned that cottages on the north end of the island will be lost if there is no place to move them by November.  Jim Jamison, who owns Mango, would love to put cottages there, if he and the Town do agree to place them there.

         Carol Cunningham questioned if it would be possible to move cottages to an area on Bowditch for storage for about one year?  Several members disagreed that it would not be safe for storm time.    Chairman Smith commented that the cottages could be moved off the island, but this would double the cost.  Dan Folke added that Flint and Doyle are planning to move many of the cottages off island. 

         Carol Cunningham asked what happens if the cottages are moved off island and no place is obtained for them to come back to the island.  Will they be sold to someone else for use somewhere else?  The response from several LPA members is that this is correct.

         Dan Folke added that several items have taken place to help with the efforts of historic preservation.  He mentioned that the adoption of the Land Development Code (Chapter 22) has taken place.  The subcommittee’s idea and hope is that once the informational/promotional brochure is complete people will see some of the benefits present by having a historical designation.  Zoning relief along with additional items can be obtained as incentives.  He indicated that the Richard St. James property would take one of the Pink Shell cottages and make an addition to his beach cottage.  His intent was to link the two homes together.  The LPA granted approval to designate as historic with the condition he could obtain all permits that were needed.  The last time Dan spoke with him he was not able to get everything he needed from DEP.  He felt that it was nice to see an individual with a very valuable property who would be willing to save the historic element.  Hopefully, once the brochure is complete others will also see the benefits.  Dan added that the LPA has seen the amendment for house moves.  The house moving requirements were separated out for historic structures as a way to make it easier and encourage the saving of some of the cottages. 

         Carol Cunningham would like to see this meeting end up with some clear ideas of how the LPA will move forward to promote the preservation activities.  She hears some items that need to be pursued.  A lot of homework still needs to be complete.  She feels they should look at the policies to see which are still applicable.  She referred to page 13 of 27 in the historic preservation element.  She expressed that Policy 13-A-1 sounds like the subcommittee, which is already in place.  She questioned if this committee was sufficient?  Chairman Smith commented that some problems have existed with quorum.  She feels that this is a pretty good working group.  Dan Folke added that he felt it was a good working group with a combination of the historic society. 

         Anita Cereceda suggested that the subcommittee discuss at their next meeting the encouragement of an entity to help and assist a business group or land trust.  She is referring to the School Street idea. 

         Carol Cunningham agrees for the implementation of the School Street idea.  The implementation will require specific expertise. 

         Jodi Hester added that she feels the subcommittee should make a formal proposal to the Town Council to check into the preservation of the cottages.  The cost could be looked into for feasibility and if it is feasible the funds could be set aside.       

         Jodi Hester feels that it is important this matter be taken to Council before the summer break.  Chairman Smith mentioned that the LPA has the ability to make a motion and forward this onto the Council.  She feels this is the proper body to make a motion and ask Council to look into trying to preserve some of the cottages.


         MOTION:       Made by Chairman Roxie Smith and seconded by Jodi Hester to recommend that the Town Council look into the preservation of the cottages.  The LPA is very concerned that the cottages are in danger of being lost and would not like this to happen.  Try to find a location to hold the cottages until a permanent home is found for them.


         Discussion:  Discussion between the LPA and Dan Folke took place as to when this would go before the Council.  Dan will work to obtain some pricing information for Council.  It will be up for discussion at the Town Council meeting of June 24.


         VOTE:           Motion passes unanimously.


         Carol Cunningham is very pleased that the LPA is moving forward with this request.  She feels that it would be good to give the Council an idea of a good permanent home.  She and Dan will provide some language to take to the Council that will show the real true concerns of this LPA about losing the cottages and saving them and preserving them.  Also, moving forward to look at the feasibility of a School Street type of project. 

         Carol went on to indicate that she received a call and John Richard put forward an idea that she committed to bring before this LPA for consideration.  His suggestion for the economic stimulus to the historic preservation efforts in the Crescent area would be to further the concept of taking a single family parcel and be able to have up to nine units with one owner or manager occupying to make 10.  Density could be increased as long as an owner or manager is onsite.  He would like to work this into promoting a bed and breakfast concept on Crescent Street.  If this was allowed, the Crescent Street area might take on a nice historic flavor. 

         Dan added that 10 units per acre could be done on Crescent, because it is in the pedestrian commercial land use category.  This was allowed for affordable housing reasons.  He feels what John Richard is asking for is already in the works.  He pointed out that the Land Development Code is not specifically promoting historic preservation, but it does promote the idea of affordable housing and the conversion of bed and breakfasts. 

         Carol Cunningham suggested the next time this group sits with Bill Spikowski discussing the land development code the LPA may want to see if there is a link to historic preservation.  Possibly for a historic structure there could be some additional incentives. 

         Carol moved onto Policy 13-A-8, which encourages a private program that would visibly recognize historic buildings through a plaque certificate, historic markers, etc..  Is the Historic Society and/or the subcommittee moving forward to develop items such walking tours and putting signage in front of existing historic places?  Chairman Smith replied that the subcommittee has been discussing the possibility of placing a plaque on historic structures to designate some type of historical significance.  Dan added that a list has been started with structures and sites of historical significance.  The idea behind the list is to have these properties not necessarily designated as historic, but be recognized with a plaque or as part of a walking tour.  This has been discussed quite a bit and he feels the first step has been taken with the creation of the list. 

         Carol congratulated the LPA on coming up with a proactive strategy.  She feels by approaching the Town Council the LPA will make some great strides forward. 

         Carol moved on to how the LPA would like to proceed with refreshing the vision sessions.  She is in the process of retiring.  She loves working with the people of Fort Myers Beach.  Every time she comes to the beach she sees progress.  She feels the visioning sessions are very valuable.  This gives the LPA a chance to step back to see where they would like to go.  How soon would the LPA like to do another session and which topic areas would the LPA like to take up next?  Chairman Smith replied that she felt this group had decided on quarterly sessions.  The LPA decided on every six moths.  Jessica Titus added that three times per year would be a good number.  The LPA agreed and decided on mid November for their next session.  Carol suggested November and April.  The LPA can decide when the third meeting will take place in April. 

          Jodi Hester suggested a topic being the Hidden Path.  She would like some additional input on this matter.  The LPA agreed. 

         Carol feels the LPA has made a great leap forward and she hopes this will be successful.

         Chairman Smith and the LPA will miss Carol Cunningham. Everyone appreciates all of her hard work with this Town.

         Carol Cunningham commented the reason for the creation of a vision is to show where you would like to go.  The vision created by this Town is always valid when it is revisited.  This is an exciting process to look at. 

         Chairman Smith indicated that the community has been kept as involved as they possibly could be.  She feels this is the reason they have been able to move forward to the degree they have.  Also, it is the wise leadership of Town Manager Marsha Segal-George. 



         Jessica Titus - Suggested Lynn Hall Park for a storage area for cottages, if a place is needed quickly.   Dan Folke does not feel the beach is an appropriate place for these cottages to be placed. 

         Anita Cereceda - Expressed to Bill Van Duzer that the Town Council should spend a little money to decorate Town Hall and library with pictures out of the Comprehensive Plan and Streetscape Project.  She feels if these pictures are put up it will show people what the future can bring and someone will say why is this not being done?  This should be inexpensive and will be a visible visual aid to the community.          Dan added that Bill Spikowski has some artist renderings.  He will find out the cost to blow these up for display.   

         Betty Simpson - The Leadership Program did begin on Saturday.  About 17 participants were present.  This was very successful and great fun. 

         Everyone is pleased with the widening on the Boulevard, but many feel that it looks like a patch job.  Is there a plan to blacktop the entire surface and then stripe or will they just stripe what is present there?  Dan Folke replied that Damon and Councilman Rynearson would be the best people to talk to.  The work is still not complete.  He feels the asphalt is complete. 

         Jodi Hester - Mentioned the Leadership Program and indicated that a lady had only been on the beach for two months and was signed up for the program.  Another gentleman was only here for one day.  She feels this is wonderful.  Also, likes the idea presented by Anita regarding the artist renderings for Town Hall.  She is in favor of this idea.

         Nancy Mulholland - Asked if the Leadership Program will be annual?  Betty Simpson replied that this is a pilot program to see how it goes.  After this pilot program it will be re-evaluated and may take place twice a year. 

         Dan added that this will be brought back to CRAB for evaluation and a decision will be made to try and determine how often it will be held.  CRAB will see if the Town Council will fund this program.  

         Chairman Roxie Smith - Suggested having a community get together to provide an update.  Dan added that CRAB will have a pubic meeting regarding the Hidden Path project.  He is unsure if this will be in the fall or spring. 






         The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.. 


Respectfully Submitted,



Shannon Miller

Transcribing Secretary