DECEMBER 10, 2002

Town Hall - Council Chambers

2523 Estero Boulevard





I.          CALL TO ORDER

The meeting of the LPA was opened by Chairman Betty Simpson on Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 12:05 p.m..

            Members present at the meeting:   Betty Simpson, Roxie Smith, Anita Cereceda, Jodi Hester,  Jane Plummer, Nancy Mulholland, Jessica Titus and Hank Zuba.

            Excused absence from meeting:   Harold Huber (Excused). 

Staff present at meeting: Town Manager Marsha Segal-George and Gloria Sajgo.



            The Invocation was given by Chairman Betty Simpson.  Jeff Fitzsimmons lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the request of Chairman Betty Simpson.




            MOTION:          Made by Jane Plummer and seconded by Anita Cereceda to approve the minutes of November 5, 2002


            VOTE:              Motion passes unanimously.


            MOTION:          Made by Anita Cereceda and seconded by Jodi Hester to approve the minutes of November 12, 2002.


            VOTE:              Motion passes unanimously.





V.         PUBLIC HEARINGS; Historic Designations

1.)  FMBHD (individual) 2002-10-01 Roxanna Smith (Pink Shell 5121 Cottage relocated to 385 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931

            Roxie Smith identified that she does have a conflict of interest with regard to this matter and has completed the appropriate paperwork.  She will not be voting on this matter.

            Town Manager Segal-George reviewed that there is a report with regard to the property.  This should be read by the members of the LPA.  A resolution must be approved with regard to the designation.  Any other issues which will require a variance will need to come separately back before the LPA as a Certificate of Compliance.  If the property is designated, a building permit can be obtained.  Only issues with code issues that require an exception or variance will need to come before the LPA at a separate time. 

            Gloria Sajgo entered the meeting at this time.  Town Manager Segal-George asked her the question with regard to the overhang.  Gloria replied that she would need to speak with Pam, but felt this matter may be handled administratively.  Town Manager Segal-George added when a decision is made a memo will be forwarded to the LPA to explain the process. 

            Town Manager Segal-George commented that this home move was zoning appropriate.

            Roxie Smith expressed that the above-mentioned cottage does belong to her.  She explained that this cottage was the very first cottage that began the Pink Shell complex in 1950.  The cottage was moved across the road to her property at 385 Estero Blvd.  The zoning is appropriate and the home is down where the Pink Shell cottages have been through all these years.  This home fits in the area very nicely.  This was originally a five bedroom, and three bath home.  She will restore the home back to its original condition.  This home will have the proper elevation, even though they are not required to do so.

            Jodi Hester questioned the zoning for 385 Estero?  Roxie Smith replied this is duplex zoned. 

            Jodi Hester feels the most exciting part of having these designations come through are the histories which follow.

            Hank Zuba commented that the historic designation is great.  He thanked Roxie Smith for starting the process and showing a great example. 

            Hank Zuba questioned why everything within the building permit definition requires a Certificate?  Gloria replied that traditionally only the exterior was reviewed.  She expressed that they do have the authority to review everything.  Gloria explained that there are two certificates.  The regular certificate would contain a brief description of the plans.  The special certificates will need to come back before the LPA. 

            Hank Zuba feels the process would be smoother if the homes are permitted when historic significance is being modified.  Town Manager Segal-George replied that the County language was used.  She feels they must be careful with the review or the result will be a product no one anticipated.  Once a process is developed than the discussion of streamlining can take place. 

            Chairman Betty Simpson asked for public comment.  None was heard.  Public comment was closed. 


            MOTION:          Made by Anita Cereceda and seconded by Nancy Mulholland to approve the resolution for the historic designation of FMBHD (individual) 2002-10-01.


            VOTE:              Motion passes 7 to 0.  Roxie Smith abstained from the vote.     


            2.)  FMBHD (individual) 2002-10-02, Schmidt Cottage relocated to Estero Island Historic         Davison Cottage and Nature Center, Bay Street, Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931

            Gloria explained that this is a historic cottage built during the 1950's and 1960's.  This cottage was moved to the Fort Myers Beach Nature Preserve next to the existing Historic Cottage.  It is a modern contemporary style cottage.  This is a wonderful addition to the Davison Cottage.   The only change is that the cottage has been placed lower than the original location.  At this lower level it matches the height of the Davison Cottage.  Her recommendation is that the horizontal lattice foundation in fill be put back around the cottage as a future preservation treatment.  She indicated they do recommend approval of this designation. 

            Nancy Mulholland questioned when the Davison home was designated?  Gloria confirmed this designation took place before the Town was formed.

            Hank Zuba asked if the Schmidt home has original windows?  Gloria replied that she is almost sure these are the original windows. 

            Hank Zuba commented that he has concerns with the scale of the historic properties and feels these properties could become lost due to the changes which are presently allowed. 

            Chairman Betty Simpson asked for public comment.  None was heard.  Public comment was closed.


            MOTION:          Made by Anita Cereceda and seconded by Jane Plummer to approve the resolution designating historic resource FMBHD (individual) 2002-10-02.


            VOTE:              Motion passes unanimously.



VI.        Request to file Historic Designations

FMBHD (individual) 2002-12-01 St. Raphael’s Episcopal Church 5601 Williams Drive, Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931.   

            Town Manager Segal-George reviewed that this matter needs to be set for a public hearing.  Available dates were reviewed.  It was decided the public hearing will be held on January 21, 2003.

            Gloria added that the applicant has been worked with to review the history.  Religious properties must derive their significance from artist distinction of historical importance.  This church is very much architectural significant due to its mission style with the stained-glass awning windows.  She does feel this structure is worthy of designation due to its historical significance.  She recommends this matter is directed to public hearing.

            Roxie Smith added that the blocks of the church were hand made out of beach sand and shells. 

            Town Manager Segal-George reviewed the hearing will be held on January 21, 2003.


VII.       Possible Comprehensive Plan Amendments - memo from Bill Spikowski

            Town Manager Segal-George reviewed this is the yearly cycle.  This year going into the year 2003 there is really no Comprehensive Plan Amendments other than the update of the CIP.  This matter must be brought forward to the LPA and Council. 

            Hank Zuba questioned the role of the LPA with regard to the Capital Improvement Budget?  Town Manager Segal-George replied that this matter comes to the LPA in advance of going to the Council.  The LPA must make a finding that it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 

            Addition discussion took place with regard to the budget.  Town Manager Segal-George added that the expectation levels have increased dramatically over the last seven years. 

            Anita Cereceda asked when the name change from Little Estero Island to Mulholland Point will take place?  Town Manager Segal-George replied that internally for the Town it is called Mulholland Point.  Anything which goes to the state or is an official document must be kept Little Estero Island for many years before an official name change can take place.

            The LPA agreed this matter should move forward to the Town Council.



            Hank Zuba - Commented on next weeks meeting.  Felt some guidelines for speakers should be established along with an introductory approach.  Town Manager Segal-George replied the time limit is normally three minutes.  This time frame can be shortened.  She is open to any process change made by the LPA.  She explained any questions asked by the public will be written down by Bill Spikowski and will be answered in some type of response or answer sheets when it goes before the Town Council.  Hank suggested having Bill Spikowski speak before the first public hearing is held. 

            Town Manager Segal-George suggested a 10-minute presentation by Bill Spikowski before it is opened to public comment.  Discussion on the time frame for comments was made.  Jodi Hester would like the three minute time frame.  Additional members were in agreement with two minutes.  The LPA decided to keep with the normal three minute time limit.  A break was planned after the public comment before the LPA resumes discussion. 

            Anita Cereceda added that a reminder of rudeness not being tolerated should be addressed.  She indicated it should be communicated that these forums are not the only method of contact to discuss the issues at hand.  

            Jane Plummer - Questioned why so many people are up for the next LPA term.  She felt that only half would come up at one time.  Town Manager Segal-George commented that she is not sure why this is happening, but commented that alternates coming in created some of the inconsistency. 

            Jodi Hester - Thanked Hank for his input on next weeks meeting.  She also feels Jane’s comment on the LPA term should be addressed.

            Roxie Smith - Thanked the LPA for their positive vote for her cottage.  A formal initiation will take place in the future.  Mentioned the people doing the hair braiding and wrapping.  She asked if these people are licensed?  Are they inspected by the state inspectors?  Anita Cereceda replied that they are licensed and inspected.  Town Manager Segal-George added that the Town does not inspect. 

            Anita Cereceda - Will be good for next weeks meeting.  She invited everyone to Times Square this evening from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for the 2nd night of the Twelve Days of Christmas. 

            Nancy Mulholland - Commented on the Twelve Days of Christmas.  Thursday night is the illumination night.  This will be a beautiful presentation.

            Chairman Simpson - Mentioned the whole week at Times Square.  The Mound House will be open on December 14th and December 18th.  Additional upcoming events were mentioned. 




X.         ADJOURN

            The meeting was adjourned at 1:24 p.m.. 


Respectfully Submitted,



Shannon Miller

Transcribing Secretary