JUNE 17, 2003

Town Hall - Council Chambers

2523 Estero Boulevard





I.        CALL TO ORDER                        

The meeting of the LPA was opened by Chair Betty Simpson on Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:10 p.m..

         Members present at the meeting:   Betty Simpson, Harold Huber, Jessica Titus, Jane Plummer and Nancy Mulholland.

         Excused absence from meeting:   Anita Cereceda, Hank Zuba, Jodi Hester and Roxie Smith. 

Staff present at meeting: Town Manager Marsha Segal-George, Dan Folke and Bill Spikowski.



         The Invocation was given by Chair Betty Simpson.  All present assembled for the Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       MINUTES: MAY 20, 2003


         MOTION:        Made by Harold Huber and seconded by Jessica Titus to approve the minutes of May 20, 2003 with corrections. 


         Corrections and changes to minutes:

1.  Harold Huber - Page 6 (bottom) sentence pertaining to 64 square feet.   Strike existing sentence and replace with “ One 64 square foot sign is allowed or two 32 square foot signs.”

         2.  Betty Simpson - Page 5 - Replace (?) with Bob Barter. 



         VOTE:           Motion passes unanimously.



         Bill Spikowski reported when the LPA last saw the Land Development Code, Chapter 34, it contained the residential design standards.  The Council could not reach a consensus and asked to have this removed and reviewed by the LPA.  He indicated no progress has taken place and the questions point to whether residential standards should be done, what should they look like and who should get to work to prepare them?  The design standards, which were in Chapter 34, tried to deal with these questioned specifically.  The regulations were fairly modest and were not as stringent as the commercial regulations for the downtown area.  There was not a clear consensus on how far to go with the residential design standards.  One approach was the mechanical approach, which was neutral with objective criteria.  This approach can be used with the standards proposed previously or with different standards.  Concerns do exist with the overly objective standards, because no one is convinced that beauty will result.  The objective standards can be followed and beauty will not always follow. 

         Harold Huber commented that he was at a meeting where a gentleman spoke and expressed he wanted to be protected as a homeowner and not allow what has happened on Hickory Blvd. by over building on a lot with a mansion.  The goal on Fort Myers Beach is not to allow this to happen up and down Estero Blvd.. 

         Bill Spikowski commented that he measured the homes on Hickory Blvd.  These homes would have been slightly larger than what would have been allowed under the floor area ratios as proposed, but only by 5%.  These homes do have many of the characteristics these regulations would otherwise have encouraged. 

         Jane Plummer expressed the Hickory Blvd. properties cannot be built on Fort Myers Beach, because they have one whole story higher than the regulations allow.  Any house built in an older neighborhood will tower over any other home.  Most of the older homes are built ground level.  She does like the uniqueness of builders choosing different patterns.  She feels there will be duplication of the same look and this is starting to happen with one builder on the island.  She would like to not see such a specific design standard.  The standards before the LPA do not make much sense to her.  She commented on the garages and would rather see vehicles such as Jetski’s, etc. placed indoors rather than scattered about the property.  She would rather see cars parked in a driveway or in a garage than all over the street.  She indicated a 10-foot setback will not allow a car in the driveway.  She is for removing residential standards, because other restrictions are in place.  She does not feel the design standards work with the lots on Fort Myers Beach. 

         Additional discussion took place with regard to the type of surface which would be used in a driveway that is more than the 10-foot.  Bill Spikowski explained it could consist of porous asphalt or concrete, which looks basically the same as regular asphalt or concrete, but when sprayed with a hose the water will sink through.  Pavers can also be used.  This is more a drainage than an esthetic issue. 

         Jessica Titus is opposed to seeing the Ted’s Sheds and canvas coverings in the front. 

         Chair Betty Simpson feels the pictures provided by Bill Spikowski are very nice. 

         Town Manager Segal-George provided additional information.  There was a lot of discussion with the Council with regard to design regulations and the floor area ratio.  Both were dropped out of Chapter 34.  There were some strong feelings on both sides from those that did or did not want them.  These are before the LPA, because there was discussion on the part of the Council to drop out these items if it would be sent back to the LPA for study.  She spoke to the Council members and the members had expressed they liked the Comp. Plan.  When the regulations are put in place to make the Comp. Plan real this is where the problem begins.  She is unsure of the answer, but feels a connection may take place with pictures.  What is it about the Comp. Plan vision everyone likes, but when it gets to regulations it is lost?  She is unsure of the answer.  Even though the majority of the Council did not want to include the design regulations or the floor area ratio they all did express an interest in it.  There is tremendous activity on redevelopment with the area.  The Council has hopes the LPA will come up with an idea to work and then they may review.  The place to begin is from the Comp. Plan. 

         Nancy Mulholland felt a stronger connection reviewing the material the second time vs. the first. She did feel they were intruding too much, but she is now feeling some of the items must be addressed in order to reach their vision.  She is still unsure what the floor area ratio would do for them.  Why is it better than having setbacks or building heights? 

         Bill Spikowski replied the floor area ratio is not essential.  Many communities regulate only by setbacks.  The incentives on small lots are to make the house build out to every setback and the result ends up being square type homes.  The reason he suggested the floor area ratio for residential is to combine with making the setbacks more lenient.  This would keep away from a less box type home but keep them from becoming overly large.  The residential design standards were completed on a low budget to make a point.  He commented on a book just reprinted by the Department of Community Affairs and indicated he would try to get this for the committee.  These homes are of a more traditional style on the smaller lot.  With more realistic type drawings may help the LPA try to write the regulations. 

         Jane Plummer suggested taking some photos of the larger homes which look gorgeous on the 50-foot lots.  She does not feel all homes must be the same. 

         Bill Spikowski added pictures could be taken of real houses on narrower lots that are stilt homes.  A designer or illustrator could re-sketch with variations. 

         Town Manager Segal-George reviewed the pictures can be obtained by Jane and this can be copied to everyone.  The book suggested by Bill Spikowski would be interesting to look at, if it can be obtained.  More information can be obtained and will be back on the agenda in September or October. 

         Harold Huber commented that he feels the intent is to leave the garage door where it is, but bring the porch out 10-feet.  This is not making the backyard smaller.  He does not want to see a 36-foot house straight across the front.  He would rather see a porch to break up the front wall. 

         Bill Spikowski feels some ideas have been obtained today to move forward.   A deadline is not in place and they can move forward at their own pace.                          



         Harold Huber - Discussed the toilets at the Golf Course.  He expressed Town Manager Segal-George indicated when they get to Chapter 14 this would be covered and they would need to be hooked up at that point.  He questioned what chapter they will move into next.

         Dan Folke expressed that Chapter 10 would be the appropriate Chapter and is the only one left. 

         Town Manager Segal-George added that the mandatory hook up ordinance was the County’s which expired.  She felt these would fall under Chapter 10, which will be dealt within the fall.

         Jane Plummer - Questioned why the residential design standards are being brought up again?  She indicated there were viable reasons why these would not work and why is this being discussed again?  Town Manager Segal-George replied the Town Council asked this be brought before the LPA.  Jane indicated she spoke to a Council member who indicated they did not remember this request. 

         Dan Folke added that Terry Cain agreed to take these out as long as it came back before the LPA to look at a more comprehensive manner. 

         Nancy Mulholland - Brought an interesting idea to the LPA, which was expressed to her.  The idea is to have businesses put a trolley stop on their property and have advertising of their own business instead of having them dropped here or there. 

         Town Manager Segal-George explained the Trolley’s stop in the road and within the right-of-way area.  This is the reason they need to be located in these areas.  Estero is controlled by the County as well as LeeTran.  The County was offering alternatives and the Council picked the alternative they liked the best being offered.  The County was in control.  She recalls the Council did not want the benches on private property, because of the difficulty of controlling the design.  The intent is to upgrade the benches.  She feels an arrangement has been established with the County.  

         Dan Folke added that bench signs are allowed only at beach accesses, Trolley stops and internal to a property. 

         Nancy questioned if the new sign ordinance is being enforced?  Dan Folke indicated Ginny Ross went on a trip about two days after the sign ordinance was adopted.  Dave Crabtree is doing basic enforcement and when she comes back on Monday more stringent enforcement will take place. 

         Betty Simpson - Questioned the Beach House?  Town Manager Segal-George replied this was approved as a condominium. 

         Dan Folke - Reported the Historic Preservation Subcommittee meeting will be held next Tuesday.       






         The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.. 


Respectfully Submitted,



Shannon Miller

Transcribing Secretary