DECEMBER 16, 2003

Town Hall-Council Chambers

2523 Estero Boulevard




I.          CALL TO ORDER:            The regular meeting of the Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency was called to order on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 12:10 P.M. by Chair Roxie Smith.


            Members present at the meeting:            Chair Roxie Smith, Jodi Hester, Harold Huber, Nancy Mulholland, Jane Plummer, Betty Simpson. 


            Excused absence from the meeting:            Anita Cereceda, Hank Zuba, Jessica Titus.               

            Staff present at the meeting:                      Town Manager Marsha Segal-George, Community Development Director Dan Folke, Gloria Sajgo of Lee County Planning.


II.            INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  The invocation was given by Jane Plummer.  All those present assembled and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


III.            MINUTES:        None



            Community Development Director Dan Folke gave a brief background of this item.  Mr. Folke called attention to a numbering discrepancy between Policy 13.B.5 in the Comprehensive Plan which speaks to a financial incentive, whereas in the handout this is labeled 13.G.5.  Under Goals and Objectives in the Comprehensive Plan there is provision for financial incentives for historic preservation, including establishment of a grant program. The LPA/Historical Subcommittee did recommend approval and allocation of $40,000.00 for the first grant cycle, which will require approval by Council. 

            Mr. Folke  then introduced Gloria Sajgo of the Lee County Planning Department.  Ms. Sajgo described the County’s program which has been in effect since approximately 1990.  The City of Bonita Springs has also adopted a similar program patterned after Lee County’s program which has been in effect approximately one year.  The County allocates $40,800.00 per year, and Bonita Springs allocated $100,000.00 last year.  A report is obtained from the Property Appraiser showing properties of a certain age, for example 50 years or older, and these property owners are contacted to inform them about the grant program.  A number of applications are received annually from this outreach effort.  The grant application provides that the owner must put up 50 per cent of the total project.  This is not a needs-based program, but rather is intended to encourage owners of older buildings to rehab their properties, which can be either commercial or residential.  The County’s program focuses on structural rehabilitation such as foundations, walls, chimneys, roofs, and in some cases, windows.  Ms. Sajgo described the application and match process.  Work already completed within a certain time frame can be applied to the match. 

A 5-year mortgage is placed on the property on which no payments are made; 20 per cent is eliminated each year.  The purpose is to discourage owners from making repairs with grant funds and immediately selling the property without repayment.  The property owner arranges to have the work done and is reimbursed after showing appropriate documentation of completion. 

            Ms. Smith verified that matches can be in-kind as well as cash outlay.  Harold Huber asked whether there is a maximum.  Ms. Sajgo replied that the County considers applications on a case-by-case basis.  The smallest ever awarded was about $800.00 and the largest, about $22,000.00.  Some projects can be phased.  She said the average grant is between $5,000.00 and $10,000.00.  There is one grant cycle per year, and they average approximately ten applications per year which are reviewed by Staff and then by the Preservation Board with the property owner present.  The Preservation Board makes recommendations to the County Commissioners for final approval.  Ms. Smith verified that the LPA would function as the Preservation Board.

            Mr. Huber asked if Bonita Springs uses County staff for their program, and what the LPA’s responsibility would be if a similar program were adopted by the Town.  Ms. Sajgo replied that Bonita Springs is responsible for their own program with an agreement for County Staff services.   Town Manager Marsha Segal-George explained how the existing Committees would be involved in reviewing applications and recommending expenditure for Council approval.

            Ms. Sajgo pointed out that a property must be designated under the ordinance to receive historical grant funding. 

            Ms. Smith inquired whether the new deck at the Historic Cottage would qualify for such a grant, and Ms. Sajgo replied that grants are not given retroactively.  She further explained that such a project would be considered in competition with other applications, and the nature of work required for each would determine the priorities.  Ms. Smith also asked whether the Town could apply for this grant.  Ms. Sajgo said this would be unusual, but not impossible.

            Jodi Hester asked whether financial need was given a higher priority. Ms. Sajgo replied that the priority is historic preservation but gave examples of instances in which the County was able to accommodate applicants with limited financial resources. 

            Jane Plummer asked about raising a structure above flood plain in order to preserve it, and Ms. Sajgo said that this could be considered.  Ms. Segal-George pointed out that in case of repetitive loss, grant money is available from FEMA. 

            Dan Folke questioned the owner’s match with respect to future work.  Ms. Sajgo replied that this has been taken into consideration.

            Ms. Hester inquired why the County and Bonita Springs programs were structured to provide for reimbursement and whether it was necessary to do it this way.  Ms. Sajgo pointed out that this is so the grantor has assurance that the work was done properly with appropriately licensed contractors, and that the work is actually completed.  However, they do in some instances negotiate draws during the project.  Ms. Segal-George observed that the entity putting the money at risk has less exposure in the case of reimbursement, with less effort.

            Dan Folke reported that the Subcommittee has recommended following the County’s model procedurally.  The Subcommittee also recommended allocating $40,000.00, which must go to Council for approval as a line item in the budget.

            Ms. Foster commented on the amount of the allocation; she was considering a lesser amount than $40,000.00.  Ms. Smith expressed the opinion that in order to provide the desired incentive sufficient funds should be made available.  Ms. Sajgo observed that the program was very popular in Bonita Springs, and because so many of their residents had applied for County grants the higher amount was allocated there.  On Fort Myers Beach the only project has been the Historic Cottage, which received $15,000.00 in grant funds.  Ms. Simpson recalled that at the Subcommittee different amounts had been discussed and that a great deal of consideration had been given to the recommended amount due to the number of structures on the Beach that might come under this program.  Ms. Segal-George was asked whether the Town is already spending its reserves this year, and she replied that while reserves are being utilized, there is still a significant amount remaining in the reserves.  Ms. Sagjo pointed out that when properties are rehabilitated the tax base is eventually increased.


            MOTION:         Motion was made by Jane Plummer and seconded by Harold Huber         to support the recommendation of the Subcommittee for the Town to begin a grant assistance program adopting the Lee County guidelines, and that Town Council allocate $40,000.00 for the initial grant cycle.


            DISCUSSION: Mr. Huber cited the Town’s budget year and asked when the cycle would expire.  He was told it would be September 30th.  He observed that the initial cycle would not be a full twelve months.  Ms. Segal-George advised that there would be a carryover only if requested since everything is zeroed out at the end of each year unless there is a specific request.

            There was discussion about an applicant’s requirement to also become designated.


            VOTE:              Motion was passed by unanimous vote.


This item will be presented to Town Council on January 5, 2004.  If approved, the grant program will be implemented for the remainder of the year.  The recommended procedure for processing applications will be (1) LPA/Historical Subcommittee, (2) LPA, and (3) recommendation to Council.  Ms. Sajgo will assist.  Mr. Folke suggested that prior to submitting this item to Council, he and Ms. Sajgo prepare some guidelines for this year’s cycle, such as deadline, and this information will be compiled in January.




            Nancy Mulholland extended holiday wishes to everyone.


            Betty Simpson reported on a phone call she received following the last LPA meeting  from an applicant, who called her and expressed appreciation for being advised how the process works.  This was a consequence of a previous meeting at which Ms. Segal-George recommended that the process be explained to applicants at the hearings.

            Ms. Simpson and Ms. Plummer had visited Bay Oaks recently, and they reported on some of the new facilities such as the rope course and rock climbing.

            Ms. Simpson also thanked Rachel for the lunch prior to today’s meeting, and reminded everyone of the Town Birthday Party on December 31st.  She also extended holiday wishes to everyone.


            Jodi Hester wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  She told the group that she has decided to run for Town Council, Seat 2.  She was told that she does not have to resign from the LPA for this purpose.


            Jane Plummer suggested that everyone slow down and enjoy the holidays.


            Roxie Smith agreed and wished everyone a happy holiday season.

            She asked if both Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation could be included on next year’s agendas, as an Invocation has not been included.

            Chair Smith pointed out that Jane Plummer, Roxie Smith and Nancy Mulholland must request re-appointment to the LPA by the Council. 


            Town Manager Marsha Segal-George reported that there is a workshop this evening on Outdoor Displays of Merchandise.  This will come before the LPA in January.  There will be a heavy workload before the LPA beginning in January, some of which was discussed.


            Chair Roxie Smith wished everyone a happy holiday season.


VI.        PUBLIC COMMENT:            None


VII.            ADJOURN:       Meeting was adjourned by Ms. Smith at 1:05 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,




Patricia L. Middlekauff

Transcribing Secretary