MAY 11, 2004

Town Hall-Council Chambers

2523 Estero Boulevard




I.          CALL TO ORDER:         The regular meeting of the Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency was called to order on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 12:00 Noon by Chair Roxie Smith.


            Members present at the meeting:        Hank Zuba and Roxie Smith.


            Excused absence from the meeting:   It was determined that the remaining members of the LPA had all called in requesting excused absence.     


            Staff present at the meeting:               Town Manager Marsha Segal-George.


Ms. Smith observed that there was not a quorum present.  She recalled that this was the first meeting in the history of the LPA at which there was no quorum, saying she was very distressed by the situation.  Mr. Zuba added that he felt it was unfortunate and unfair to the community, the applicants and themselves and commended Ms. Smith for being present despite the issue of her reappointment.  Ms. Smith observed that those who expected to appear at a hearing before the LPA had incurred legal and other expenses. 


Ms. Segal-George advised that for the record a motion to continue would be necessary.  She proceeded to read the three cases that were on the agenda for this meeting:


            (1) Variance 203-00077, Dennis Loomis Garage Variance, property at 185 Jefferson Street;


            (2) REZ203-00023 and SEZ204-00012, a Fort Myers Beach District Library additional parking, located at 2709 Estero Blvd.;


            (3) DCI2003-00079, Buccaneer FMBeach LLC in reference to Suncoast Tide, property located at 4864 Estero Blvd.


            These cases will now be continued until May 18th 2004 at noon.


Ms. Smith asked what will happen if some of the applicants cannot reappear on May 18th.  It was determined that they have all been notified and are aware of what has happened.  These cases will now be heard on top of what was already scheduled for the May 18th meeting.


Ms. Smith invited public comment at this time. 


            Jean Gottlieb of 50 Aberdeen on Fort Myers Beach came forward and said that if this LPA cannot get itself together and take its responsibilities (seriously), then it ought to have an opportunity for members to be selected by open vote of the residents.  She said she understands that the LPA is appointed by the Council and considers the Council extremely derelict in its duties by not being able to carry out this particular not very onerous job, when they have had since January to do so. 

            Harry Gottlieb of 50 Aberdeen also came forward and strongly recommended for the record that at the Town Council meeting of next Monday, May 17th the Town Council immediately

reappoint all of the previous members so there is continuity and there does not have to be a long further delay for learning experience for new LPA members. 



            There being no further public comment, the meeting was adjourned by Ms. Smith.  



Respectfully submitted,




Patricia L. Middlekauff

Transcribing Secretary