Town Hall - Council Chambers

2523 Estero Boulevard

Fort Myers Beach, Florida

September 9, 2003                                                                12:00 PM

Chairman, Roxie Smith




I.                  Call to Order


II.              Pledge of Allegiance


III.          Minutes:  June 3, 2003, June 17, 2003 


IV.           Public Hearings


1.            VAR2003-00035  RFN, Inc. in ref. to the Beach Connection.  A request for a variance in the Downtown District from the 10 foot rear setback requirement to allow a 5 foot rear setback per LDC Section 34-674(b) (1)a.1 on property located at 1018 Fifth Street.

2.             VAR2003-00042  Jason Lucas in ref. to 216 Miramar.  A request for 3 variances in the RC (Residential Conservation) zoning district from LDC Table 34-3.  The 1st variance request is from the minimum side non-waterfront lot setback of 7.5 feet to allow a side non-waterfront lot setback of 1 foot on the north lot line to an existing deck.  The 2nd variance request is from the minimum side non-waterfront lot setback of 7.5 feet to allow a side non-waterfront lot setback of 2 feet on the south lot line to an existing deck.  The 3rd variance request is from the minimum rear setback of 20 feet to allow a rear setback of 1 foot to an existing deck.  The subject property is located at 216 Miramar St.

3.             The following case is to be continued at the hearing to a date certain.   DCI2001-00067 Douglas Speirn-Smith in ref. to Matanzas Inn/Restaurant.  A request to rezone 2 acres from CPD (Commercial Planned Development) to CPD with deviations.  The subject property is located at 414-416 Crescent Street.  

V.      LPA Member Items and reports   


VI.          Public Comment


VII.    Adjourn



Note:  September 16—12 noon –LDC Chapter 10; October 14-12 noon cases;  October 21-12 noon –residential design standards, regulations for outdoor display, discussion of process for EAR (state required review of the comprehensive plan)




NOTE:  Have a great summer –See you in September – September 9, 2003