
Frequently Asked Questions
The Town is now able to accept request for action services via our website.
From reporting a drainage problem, to a streetlight out on your street,
our staff can quickly attend to the situation.
Simply click here
to submit a Citizen's Request for Action.
- Question: Our street has a pothole and water is not draining
off after rainstorms; whom do I call to get action?
Answer: You can either call Town Hall (765-0202)where you will
be asked to fill out an action request. Or you may input your request
using the above listed link. If the problem is on Estero Boulevard
(which is owned by Lee County), call the Lee County Department of
Transportation (DOT) at 335-2852.
- Question: There is a dog running loose in our neighborhood
and it is acting strangely. Who can handle this problem?
Answer: The Town has a contract with Lee County Animal Services
to handle small animal problems in the Town. Call them at 432-2083.
- Question: We have children playing in our neighborhood. Whom
do I call to report cars that repeatedly speed down our street?
Answer: Call the Sheriff's Department West District office.
The number is (239) 477-1830.
- Question: Whom do I speak with about Zoning issues?
Answer: The Town has a contract (an "interlocal agreement")
with Lee County's Department of Community Development (DCD)to handle
the initial stages of most zoning issues. Our Community Development
Coordinator, Jerry Murphy, may also be able to help answers questions.
He can be reached at (239) 765-0202 or you can reach him via email
at [email protected]. If it concerns rezoning or variances in zoning,
contact Zoning at 479-8358. This department studies and evaluates
each case and makes a recommendation to the Town's Local Planning
Agency (LPA) which then schedules a public hearing. After the public
hearing, the LPA makes a recommendation to the Town Council and the
Town Council, after holding public hearing(s), makes a decision.
Zoning at DCD (479-8383) has responsibility for zoning issues.
- Question: Where do I go to get a Building Permit?
Answer: Call Lee County's Division of Codes and Building Services
(479-8320); this Division handles building permits for Fort Myers
- Question: The noise coming from a party being held next door
is driving me crazy. Isn't there a law against loud noise?
Answer: Yes. the Sheriff's office is responsible for enforcing
the Town's Noise Ordinance. See #3 above for the telephone number.
- Question: There is a tree overhanging the street right-of-way
and creating a traffic hazard. Can the Town handle this?
Answer: Please contact Town Hall at 765-0202 and ask to fill
out a Request for Action form or fill out the form online.
- Question: I think my car has been stolen or illegally towed?
Do I call the Sheriff's Department?
Answer: Yes. See #3 above for the telephone number.
- Question: An unsightly pile of trash has been sitting on
my neighbors lawn for over a week; it's a neighborhood eyesore. Can
the Town do something about it?
Answer: Call Town Hall at 765-0202 to fill out a Request for
Action form (or you can fill out the form online) which will be forwarded
to our code enforcement officer.
- Question: There is a dolphin stranded on the beach; whom
do I call to get help?
Answer: Call the Florida Marine Patrol at 1-800-DIAL-FMP.
- Question: The beach is littered with dead fish apparently
from "Red Tide". Who's responsible for cleaning up this stinking mess?
Answer: Call Town Hall (765-0202) when this problem occurs.That's
a good question and a difficult question. We are working with several
agencies to get cooperation to remedy this problem with a quick response
when it happens.
- Question: When am I supposed to extinguish all lights facing
the beach to protect the loggerhead turtles as they hatch and return
to the sea?
Answer: For all lighting questions or to report a lighting
violation, call Carol Lis (Lee County Environmental Sciences) (239)
To report nests, disoriented hatchlings and dead or injured sea turtles,
call Turtle Time, Inc. (239) 481-5566. Turtle Time's home page on
the Internet is http://www.turtletime.org.
- Question: I want to make some major changes to my boat dock.
Do I need a permit?
Answer: Yes. Call Rick Joyce (479-8182) at Lee County. Rick
can give you the details and depending on your plans from which agencies
you will need permits.
- Question: A local business has a garbage dumpster behind
its store which is overflowing with garbage. Can't the Town do something
about this?
Answer: Call Rick Clontz (479-8900). See #9 above.
- Question: My neighbor is building a deck on his house that
is too close to my property line. Who handles code violations?
Answer: Call 765-0202 and ask for our new Code Enforcement Officer, Bob Konior. He is Lee County's
enforcement officer for code violations on Fort Myers Beach.
- Question: I want to change the sign in front of my business.
Who handles sign permits?
Answer: Call Chris DeManche at Town Hall (765-0202). He is coordinating sign permitting and enforcement of the Sign Ordinance of the Town
of Fort Myers Beach.
- Question: How can I find out the trolley schedule?
Answer: LEE TRAN can give you that information. Call them at
- Question: My property tax bill went up this year. I think
somebody made a mistake. Who?
Answer: Call Ken Wilkinson's office, Lee County Property Appraiser,
at 339-6100. His staff may have an answer for you. You can also look
up your parcel information yourself, directly from the Property Appraiser's
web site. (www.property-appraiser.lee.fl.us)
- Question: I called the telephone number you gave me in answer
to one of the above questions and, frankly, I didn't get a satisfactory
answer. Now what do I do?
Answer: Please call Town Hall (765-0202). The Town, following
its "Lite Government" aka "Bare Bones Government" philosophy, outsources
most of its municipal services from Lee County and other agencies
as the most effective and efficient way of serving its citizens and
tourists. We need your feedback in those few situations when those
responsible for delivering service are failing to perform satisfactorily.
Your taxes pay for these services; you deserve satisfaction. We also
appreciate feedback when you have received an excellent response to
your question. Give us a call or send an E-mail message.
Send email to [email protected]
for comments, suggestions and corrections.
