Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, FloridaTown of Fort Myers Beach, FloridaTown of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
History of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, FloridaMaps of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, FloridaFrequently asked questions of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, FloridaLinks of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, FloridaParks of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, FloridaPanoramas of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida

Florida Main Street Program

1996 Application for the
Florida Main Street Program

A Joint Venture of the Town of Fort Myers Beach
and the Greater Fort Myers Beach Area
Chamber of Commerce

Table of Contents


Section I - The Local Community

Section II - The Local Organization

Section III - The Local Program Area

Section IV - Overall Need And Potential

Appendix A - Town Street Map, Description Sheet for Slides, Aerial Photo

Appendix B - Notarized Statements (3), resolution of support, verifications (2), list of in-kind services, articles of foundation.

Appendix C - Letters from other Organizations

Appendix D - Press Clippings

Appendix E - Exhibits


The Town of Fort Myers Beach and the Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce have agreed to joint venture an application for consideration in the Main Street Program. This is a significant agreement for our community. The Town of Fort Myers Beach is six months old and is currently working on its first budget. The joint venture agreement was approved by the Town Council on July 15, 1996. Our community has had about two weeks to locate and organize data for this application. The time commitments necessary for this are extraordinary and speak to our desire to be part of the Main Street Program.

The terms of the joint venture agreement provide a sharing of costs for the Main Street Program as between the Town and the Chamber. The Town will provide a cash contribution and the Chamber will provide in kind services. Both entities have agreed to a three-year funding commitment. However, the larger plan is for the Town to form a Downtown Redevelopment Authority within the next six months, freeze the ad valorem base for the Downtown District, appoint a DRA Board and have that agency carry out the participation in the Main Street Program and the continued revitalization and redevelopment of our Downtown District. The Town and the Chamber will continue to fund the program until sufficient funds accumulate in the DRA TIF to take over funding for this program. Until the DRA is formed and to provide for a plan if there is a gap , the Town and the Chamber have agreed that the Program Manager would be jointly hired by both agencies and would be a contract employee, technically working for the Chamber Foundation and supervised by the Town Manager and the President of the Chamber.

It is important to explain why we are applying this year rather than waiting a year. That question becomes even more relevant when you consider that the Town is only six months old and that we are asking for designation as a Main Street Community even though we would like to postpone implementation for six months. Our Times Square is currently undergoing a very extensive redevelopment project that is projected to finish in February 1997. The Town Council will be considering the adoption of a master plan overlay and design guidelines for the Downtown District in September 1996. The Town and the Chamber would like to have a Downtown Redevelopment Authority in place prior to hiring a program manager and that step requires ordinance drafting, discussion and approval. All of these reasons drive our desire to postpone implementation of our participation for six months, yet we are still asking for designation this year. The representatives of the Main Street Program encouraged us to apply this year and not wait. We believe that this program can be of particular assistance to our new Town, both from a technical assistance point of view and also because this program values community, simplicity and a frugal and cost effective approach to solving problems. This philosophy strongly matches that of the Town of Fort Myers Beach. This Town came into being because of those values and we believe that there is a strong match between the Main Street Program and the Town of Fort Myers Beach.

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I. The Local Community

A. Historical Overview

1. Provide a brief historical overview of your city/community dating back to incorporation or settlement.

The Town of Fort Myers Beach was recently incorporated and came into existence on January 1, 1996. However Estero Island which is totally encompassed by the Town has a very rich historical and archaeological background. The island was homesteaded in the late 1800's by members of the Koreshan Unity. The Town is currently attempting to purchase a three acre property on the island which represents one of the first homesteads on Estero Island (1906) and is also the site of a significant Calusa midden and burial site.

Various historical tracts mention Estero Island as a possible location of the capital of the Calusa Empire and also as a possible site of a meeting between King Carlos and Juan Ponce deLeon. Recent re-discovery of the Freducci Map (1514-1515) as drawn by Conte Ottomanno Freducci and scholarly comment as to its significance may show Estero Island as the earliest contact point in the United States between Spanish explorers and native inhabitants.

During the early 1900's , Estero Island experienced a rich, individualistic and often eclectic atmosphere including gambling casinos, dance halls and other beach recreation. In accordance with the significant and colorful history of Estero Island, Fort Myers Beach continues to offer a unique and community-based home for its residents and a dynamic and beautiful attraction for its visitors.

B. Demographic and Economic Information

1. Population

Fort Myers Beach

1994: 7,588

Seasonal Peak 35,000

Lee County

1990: 335,113

1994: 369,072

Seasonal Visitors: 260,000

(March 1995)

State of Florida

1980: 9,746,961

1990: 12,937.926

2. Median Age

Fort Myers Beach median age ranges from 53.9 to 59.2 (two census tracts). Median age for lee county is 42.0.

3. Fort Myers Beach - Persons by Race (%)


White 99.5

Black .09

Hispanic 1.3

4. Lee County - persons by race (%)


White 91.3

Black 6.5

Other 2.2

5. Florida - persons by race/Hispanic (%) (total will exceed 100%)


White 10,755,698

Black 1,755,958

Asian 150,200

Amer Indian 42,619

Other 233,451

Hispanic 1,555,031

6. Median Household Income

A) Fort Myers Beach

1990: $ 39,031

B) Lee County

1990: $ 28,448

C) Florida

1990: $ 27,483

7. Mean Household Income - Not Available

8. Persons Below Poverty Level

A) Fort Myers Beach

1990 1,517 Persons 20.175 %

**Information supplied by Lee County (HUD supplied data) by letter 6-20-96.

B) Lee County

1990 30,267 Persons 9.032 %

C) Florida

1990: 1,604,186 Persons 12.40 %

9. Unemployment Rate as Compiled by the Florida Department of Labor and Employment.

-Lee County's Unemployment Rate IN July 1995 was 3.7%, compared to 5.6% For the State.

10. What is the nearest Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)? How far is it from your city?

Fort Myers 15 miles

Naples 20 miles

11. What types of regional transportation facilities are located in your community?

A)Commercial Airport:

Southwest Florida International Airport

B) Airlines:

Passenger: American Airlines, American Eagle, American Trans Air, Air Canada, Canadian Air, Carnival Airlines, Comair, Continental Airlines, Continental Express, Delta Airlines, Leisure Air, LTU International Airways, Midwest Express, Northwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, Trans World Airlines, United Airlines, United Express, USAir, USAir Express, Valuejet

Charter airlines: Air Tran Airways, AV Atlantic, Capital Airlines, Paradise Island, Reno Air, Private Jet Interrnational, Sun Jet, Miami Air, Express One, Viscount Air, Rich International, Sun Country

C) Passenger Railroads: Seminole Gulf Railroad, 50 miles of railway. Track connects Arcadia with Collier County through Lee County.

D) Freight Railroads: Seminole Gulf Railroad

E) Bus Service: Greyhound - interstate, 10 daily departures connecting to all major markets; LEETRAN - 12 routes serving Lee County including Fort Myers Beach trolley service

F) Taxi service: 12 taxi companies serving Lee County

G) interstate and highways: I-75 -provides direct access to points east (Miami) and north (Tampa) U.S. 41 - north/south access through Lee County

H) comments on the state of transportation resources:

Estero Boulevard is designated in the Lee County Comprehensive Plan as a "constrained roadway". Due to the limitations imposed by reason of location on a barrier island, this roadway will remain a two-lane roadway and will not be widened. Despite this fact, the need remains to explore ways of dealing with gridlock traffic during season. This problem has been explored and studied for years by Lee County with little results. It is now the responsibility of the new town to effectively deal with the traffic problem and also with the inherited problem of lack of parking for downtown and for beach visitors. The Town of Fort Myers Beach has two beach parks and more than a dozen beach access points but very limited public parking.

12. What newspapers, radio, television stations and cable systems service the area?

Newspapers: Fort Myers News Press, Naples Daily News, Fort Myers Beach Observer and the Fort Myers Beach Bulletin

Television: WBBH - TV 20 - NBC, WEVU TV 26 - ABC, WFTX 36 - FOX, WINK 11 - CBS, WSFP TV 30 - PBS, WNPL TV 46 - Independent

FM radio: WCKT- 107; WROC- 106.3; WIXI- 103.7; WXKB- 103.7; WSGL- 103.1; WWGR- 101.9; WAVV- 101.1; WEEJ- 100.1; WJRX- 99.3; WINK- 96.9; WRXK- 96.1; WOLZ- 95.3; WARO- 94.5; WNOG- 93.5; WIKX 92.9; WGUF- 92.7; WVIJ- 91.7; WSOR- 90.9; WSFP- 90.1; WAYJ- 88.7

AM radio: WCCF- 1580; WEWG- 1530; SKGT- 1480; WWCL- 1440; WMYR- 1410; WCRM- 1350; WNOG- 1270; WINK- 1240; WCDQ- 1200; WKII- 1070; WWCN- 770

13. Is tourism a major industry in your community? Are there major resorts or attractions nearby? If so, identify them. Are there major events held nearby? If so, identify them.

Yes, tourism is the major industry and business in the town. We are a barrier island with beautiful beaches. The businesses located on the island are mainly centered on our beach and bay amenities. We are in the process of creating an eco-trail which will encompass the Matanzas Preserve (which is a natural passive park area with an extensive boardwalk system that encompasses the different types of natural pristine island habitat), the Long Property (which melds historical settler preservation with an extraordinary archaeological resource) and Mound Key (which is located in the Back Bay and is considered to be the richest archaeological site in Florida). We also plan to utilize our downtown for a series of hallmark festivals and are currently planning Christmas and New Year's in Times Square and a significant festival celebrating the town's Calusa heritage. For the recent Fourth of July fireworks, we had over 30,000 people visiting the Times Square area.

Other major attractions include Lovers Key/Black Island State Park, the Naples/Fort Myers Greyhound Track, the spring training home of both the Boston Red Sox and the Minnesota Twins and the Fort Myers Miracles baseball team.

14. Is there a marked seasonal population fluctuation due to tourism, winter residency, educational faciiities, etc.? If so, explain why.

Yes, the seasonal population fluctuates greatly between a year round population of 7,588 and a seasonal population of 30,000.

15. List the five largest employers in your community:

Employer name Type of business Number of employees

1. Lee Co. School Board Education 7,233

2.Lee Memorial Healthcare 3,698

3.Publix Grocery 3,037

4.Columbia/HCA Healthcare 3,005

5.Mariner Group Resort 2,000

The largest employers in the immediate vicinity of the local program area are those listed above. The largest employers in the Town are Mariner Group with 120 employees, Holiday Inn with 33 employees and the Outrigger Resort with 53 employees. The Holiday Inn is actually located within the Downtown District.

16. How many industrial parks are in your community? Identify them and the approximate number of businesses and employees in each.


17. How many strip shopping centers serve your community? Identify them and approximate the number of businesses in each. Indicate the distance of each from the Local Program Area.

Shopping Center Name No. of Business Distance From Program Area

1.Seafarer's Mall 17 In Program Area

2.Helmerich Plaza 15 In Program Area

3.Key Estero Center 26 .5 mile from program area

4.SeaGrape plaza 16 1 mile from program area

5.Villa Santini center 20 5 miles from program area

18. How many enclosed regional malls serve your community? Identify them and approximate the number of businesses in each mall. Indicate the distance ofeach mall from the Local Program Area.

Shopping center name No. of business Dist. From Program Area

Edison Mall, Fort Myers 140 12 miles

Coastland Mall, Naples 103 28 miles

19. Summarize the current development, demographic and economic trends in your city.

Lee County and its cities of Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Sanibel and newly incorporated Fort Myers Beach was the third fastest growing metropolitan area in the United States during the 1980's. That growth has continued in the 1990's. The Town of Fort Myers Beach continues to exert a strong attraction for tourists, many of whom become residents. The largest and fastest growing segment of Lee County's population is young adults aged 25 to 44. This factor is again represented on the island as we continue to have a healthy mix of families with young children and retirees. Money Magazine continues to rank our area as one of the best places to live in the United States.

Other factors that will impact our town in the immediate future are 1] Florida Gulf Coast University, the state's 10th university will open in 1997, having major impact on the town's beach and restaurant ammenities. 2] the state is currently engaging in a major park development at Black Island /Lovers Key which lies just accross the bridge from the town. This park is already earning a reputation as the pre-eminent state beach park in Flordia. 3] the island of Mound Key is located in Estero Bay very close to the territorial water of the town. Mound Key is known as a the spiritual home of the Calusa Empire and is only in need of serious archaeological work to become known to the international archaeological and historical community as an incredible learning destination. 4] Matanzas Preserve which is located in the town and is currently being reworked. This site offers residents and visitors a peek at the Old Florida and the different native habitats that used to cover the island. 5] TheLong Property which has previosly been described melds a historical bookmark for the recent historical past (1906) with the prehistorical past of the Calusa Empire.

C) Existing Plans For Redevelopment

1. Provide a brief list of goals/objectives for any organization(s) currently overseeing redevelopment efforts in your community (i.e. Regional Development Council programs, Community Redevelopment Agencies, special municipal task forces, etc.)

Implementation of the Fort Myers Beach Core Area (Downtown) Master Plan as prepared by Wallace Roberts & Todd, See Appendix E. This plan divides the Downtown into 4 major districts and provides both regulations and design guidelines for each district. The plan was originally prepared as an optional plan but the Town's LPA is considering recommending to the Town Council that this plan be made mandatory.

Complete Times Square Project by January 1997 (currently under construction- phase 1 of the Core-Downtown Master Plan.). See Appendix E.

Retain a consultant to prepare market analysis by summer 1997

Hire a main street program manager by april 1997.

Recruit new businesses to downtown - ongoing

Conduct special events and promotions in downtown such as christmas and new years in times square- ongoing and a planned Calusa Crewe.

D). Municipal Resources:

What is your form of local government?

Fort Myers Beach is an incorporated Town as of December 31, 1995. Our charter is included in appendix B. Prior to incorporation, Estero Island which is totally within the corporate boundaries of the Town was designated as a Lee County Redevelopment Area and collected a tax increment for approximately 5 years. This CRA ceased to exist after incorporation and the Town plans to form a Downtown Redevelopment Authority to continue the downtown revitalization that was begun under the CRA.

2. Does your local government have: (Answer Yes or No. Explain briefly if appropriate.)

a) A comprehensive plan as defined under Chapter 163, F.S.? yes

b) A historic preservation element in that plan? no

c) A downtown revitalization element in that plan? No***

*** the Town is currently adopting a times square overlay zone by ordinance and will also adopt design guidelines for the overlay zone which encompasses the downtown.

d) A zoning ordinance? yes

e) A sign control ordinance? yes

f) An historic preservation ordinance? yes

g) An historic district ordinance? no

h) A design review ordinance? No**

**The Town will adopt design guidelines for the downtown by adminstrative code and these guidelines have already been prepared at Exhibit .

i) A minimum maintenance ordinance? yes

j) A downtown business district plan? No**

**The Town is currently in the process of adopting the downtown overlay plan. See Exhibit

k) A planning and zoning commission? Yes

l) A public housing authority? No

m) A building inspector? Yes

n) A staff person responsible solely for downtown revitalization? How many hours per week? What is the source of funding? No

3. Has the city received grants or transfers of funds from other governmental units, (e.g., Community Development Block Grant) in the past three years? How have they been used? Have any of these activities occurred in the local program area? If yes, briefly describe.

No. The Town is recently incorporated and only 6 months old. However, the Town is in the process of applying for CDBG eligibility, Preservation 2000 funds and a series of historical grants with reference to the previosly described Long Property. The Town has retained the Trust for Public Lands to prepare and submit two state grants for the Long Property. The Downtown area currently has a major project under construction to revitalize the Times Square area. The project is budgeted at $2.3 million dollars and is being paid for with the tax increment funds collected while the estero island cra was in existance.

4. Are there unobligated CDBG or other funds that could be used for redevelopment in the Local Program Area? If so, describe.

Please see #3 above.

5. Does your community have a designated enterprise zone area? If yes, is the Local Program Area included in this zone?

Lee County has a designated enterprise zone in the Dunbar neighborhood, which is located at quite a distance from the Town of Fort Myers Beach. The Downtown is not located in a designated enterprise zone area.

6. Has your city participated in any other federal, state or local economic development programs (i.e., Small Business Administration (SBA) programs, Florida Blue Chip, Florida Community Contribution Tax Incentives, etc.)? If so, describe the program activities and indicate if the Local Program Area is included in any of these activities.

No. Please see #3 above.

7. Does the city have any bonds or other available funds that could be used for local Program Area redevelopment? If so, describe.

Yes, as previously described, the current revitalization project underway in times square at this time has a budget of $2.3 million dollars and was paid for with dollars accumulated in the Estero Island CRA, which was formed prior to the Town's incorporation. It is the Town's intention to form a Downtown Redevelopment Authority to replace the CRA which was disolved by the county when the town came into being.

E) Economic Indicators

1. What are the annual sales tax receipts (shared revenue) for the city? For the county?

Lee County Annual Sales Tax Receipts for 1994-1995 totalled $4,741,361,033(Based on estimates from the state municipal revenue sharing trust fund)

Fort Myers Beach annual sales tax receipts for 1994-1995 were based on lee county's figures as represented above. The Municipal revenue sharing trust fund estimates a total payment to the town of $81,045 for this fiscal year.

2. How many kilowatt-hours of electricity were sold within the city? Within a related service area?

Total electric revenues within the boundaries of the new town are estimated to be $10,877,000 for 1996. information on kilowatt-hours of electricity within the town boundary is not available. lee county had 1,206,338,495 kilowatt-hours sold.

3. What is the number of and dollar volume of building permits issued by the city in the last year?

In 1994, Lee County issued 11,994 building permits for $2,016,302.50.Data is not yet available for the Town. Lee County has been unable to break out historical data with regards to discrete services prior to incorporation.

4. How many financial institutions are in the city. How many are in the local Program Area? Have they indicated a willingness to support the Local Program and invest in the Local Program Area? If yes, in what way?

Lee County has 119 banks and 26 savings and loan institutions. Three Banks are located in the Town of Fort Myers Beach. Nations Bank has expressed a willingness to assist the Town in financing.

5. Within the county what were the Commercial Bank/ Savings and Loan deposits for the most recent year available?

Total deposits for 1994 equal $4,947,530,000.

6. What is the volume of commercial loan activity among the financial institutions in your city and county for the most recent year available?

Not Available.

7. Has a commercial revitalization loan program been established in your city? If so, briefly describe the program, indicate participating agencies or institutions, and include the dollar value of loans processed to date. Is there a design review committee to review loan applications?

No, the Town has not yet had an opportunity to pursue this option, However, the DRA will pursue establishing a storefront matching grant program within the next year for the downtown area.

F. Organizations

1. Community Redevelopment Agency

a) Date established: July 11, 1990

b) Board: The CRA Board was comprised of the board of county commissioners.

c) Is there an approved CRA plan? Yes, this plan was approved in 1995.

d) Has a TIF Fund been established? If so, when? Yes, 1990.

e) Is the Local Program Area included in the CRA plan? Yes, in fact the master plan only deals with the downtown .

f) What support activities has this organization provided the Local Program to date?

The CRA has provided professional and technical staff assistance to the Local redevelopment planning committee for approximately 6 years. The CRA has administered the TIF funds collected from Estero Island to pay for the downtown master plan, estero boulevard improvements, the trolley and various other studies and plans. Currently, the CRA has authorized the expenditure of $2.3 million dollars of TIF to construct phase I of the master plan.

g) Within the last five years, what have been the major activities and accomplishments of the CRA? See answer in f.

h) Budget expenditures (previous two years):

See Appendix E, which outlines the revenues and expenditures of the CRA.

2. Chamber of Commerce

a) Name of organization: The Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce

b) Date established: 1940

c) Make-up of board: 20 member board of directors and 5 officers

d) Sources of funding: Annual dues

e) Budget expenditures (previous two years): Approx. $200,000/year

f) Size of membership (previous two years): 1994 - 530; 1995 - 603

g) What support activities has the Chamber provided within the Local Program Area to date?

See Appendix E

h) Within the last five years, what have been the major activities and accomplishments of the Chamber?

See Appendix E

3. Merchants/profesional association

a) Name of organization: Fort Myers Beach Board of Realtors

b) Date established: 1959

c) Make-up of board: The real estate offices on Fort Myers Beach

d) Sources of funding: Annual dues and mls

e) Budget expenditures (previous two years): Approx. $65,000/year

f) Size of membership (previous two years): 1996 - 181

g) What support activities has the board provided within the Local Program Area to date?

The Board is also involved with the Chamber and is part of the joint venture to participate in the Main Street Program

h) Within the last five years, what have been the major activities and accomplishments of the board?

The Board has put in a common data base for all the realtors in the town and have updated information for the use of all the offices. The board has participated on committees and have been active in the community.

4. Downtown Development Authority

The town is planning to form a downtown redevelopment authority within the next 6 months and submit appropriate documentation to the county in order to freeze ad valorem base in the downtown area.

5. Local Historic Preservation Organization

Name of organization: Estero Island Historic Society

Date established: 1991

Make-up of board: 17 Member Board of Directors

Source of funding: Private donations, sale of cookbooks etc., public funding from town of fort myers beach, lee county, various foundations

Budget Expenditures: Not available

Size of membership: 180 members

What support activities has this organization provided within the local program area to date?

The Estero Island Historic Society has been very active in the community focusing on preserving and saving structures threatened with demolition. The Society has recently saved an early beach cottage and had it relocated to the entrance to Matanzas Preserve for use as a museum and interpretive center. The possible acquisition of the Long estate will allow the Society to work with the town in elevating the town's image as a resort with historical, archaeological and educational ammenities. The use of the Long estate as the anchor of the eco-trail would also be tied in through trolley and other access with the program area.

Within the last five years, what have been the major activities and accomplishments of the organization?

See "g" above.

6. Other Downtown Associations

a) Name of organization: Times Square Merchants Association

b) Date established: 1989

c) Make-up of Board: Brian Scanlon, President; Anita Cereceda, Vice-president; Cindi Keeler, Secretary; Rusty Davison, Treasurer

d) Sources of funding: Donations

e) Budget expenditures (previous two years): No organized budget

f) Size of membership (previous two years): 45 businesses

g) What support activities has this organization provided within the Local Program Area to date?

See "h".

h) Within the last five years, what have been the major activities and accomplishments of the organization?

Providing a free concert series, "art in the park"; organizing clean-up for beach area. Participation in local planning, CRA and the soon to be created DRA.

The Times Square area of the downtown is currently undergoing a 2.3 million dollar make-over. This revitalization effort lends itself to open air festivals, craft shows and other activities that create a vibrant festival like atmosphere. Future phases include a boardwalk, and continuing redevelopment of the remainder of the downtown district. see downtown district masterplan in Appendix E.

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II. The Local Organization

**** This application is the result of a joint venture between the Town of Fort Myers Beach and the Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce. It is the intent of the Town Council and the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce to form a Downtown Redevelopment Authority within the next six months. As soon as such is formed, the DRA will be the agency to administer the local program and also the design guidelines currently being adopted for the downtown. If there is an interim gap, that time horizon will be filled by the Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Consequently, the following questions will be answered based on the Chamber foundation.

a. Organizational Readiness

1. Name of organization or agency to administer the Local Program:

Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce Foundation

2. Date established: 1986 Size of Current Membership: Chamber membership

3.What were the budget expenditures for the Local Program organization or agency for the preceding two years (if established): Not applicable

4.Federal Employment Number: 59-2539155

5.Taxing Status (i.e., 501 © (3), etc.): 501 ( c ) (3)

6. List the current officers of the Organization, indicate their terms of office, and affiliation, such as representative of Chamber of Commerce, merchant, etc. (if the applicant is a municipality, indicate N/A or indicate the membership of the Local Program Advisory Board if such a board has been established.)

The President is Fran Meyers, the Vice-President is Roxie Smith, the Treasurer is Beth Netsch, C.P.A. and the Secretary is D.J. Petruccelli, CCE. Please be aware that we are putting the Chamber Foundation in this answer only as a stop gap because it is our intention to have a DRA in place as we implement the Main Street Program.

7. What is the composition of the Board which will determine policy for the Local Program? (If the same as 06, indicate so). Please see #6

8. How are the members of the Board selected?

By-Laws are attached in Exhibit E and we will provide by addendum enabling ordinance for DRA as such is approved and passed.

9.What commitment do you require from Board members. (Job description, hours per month, membership dues, attendance at FMS training sessions, etc.). See #8

10.Indicate what projects are planned under the Four Points of the Main Street Approach: Organization, Design, Promotion, and Economic Restructuring and what project money has been budgeted (beyond operating funds):

Organization: Recruit new members from the downtown district, as well as other interested citizens.

Design: Establish review committee for a storefront grant program; implement and enforce design guidelines as adopted by theTown Council; encourage redevelopment of downtown properties in accordance with downtown overlay and design guidelines; encourage rehabilitation of downtown properties in accordance with the overlay masterplan as adopted by the Town Council; continue lighting, landscaping and street furniture which is designated in the design guidelines throughout the downtown district.

Economic Restructuring: Develop fundraising activities; hire a program manager and begin recruiting new businesses and encouraging business expansion; establish the downtown redevelopment authority and freeze ad valorem in order to begin to accumulate a tax increment; establish a municipal services taxing unit to pay for new street improvements, lighting and explore the possibility of a parking district.

11. Describe your long-term funding strategy, describing anticipated grants, contracts for services, fund raising events, membership dues, etc.

Membership dues, festivals and fundraisers, future use of TIF funds, applications for various foundation and other grants.

12. Please complete the form on the next page regarding income and expenses for at least three years of the local program:

1996/97 year budget summary

October 1, 1996 to September 30, 1997

******The Town of Fort Myers Beach and the Fort Myers Beach Chamber is requesting to delay implementation of our program for six months. There are a number of very valid reasons for this delay. The town is six months old, the Times Square area is undergoing a significant reconstruction project, the town would like to form a Downtown Redevopment Authority prior to implementation. For us to gear up within six months is a monumental commitment and one we gladly make. The Town Council and the Chamber have committed to fund this program for three years and have each committed $30,000 per year to signify the depth of our committment. One might ask why we are not waiting one year to apply. The answer is simple. We want to start right with as much chance for success as possible. We believe that if we start with Main Street, we will succeed with Main Street. We want to start in six months with all of our procedures in place and with Main Street's assistance. To that end our first year's budget reflects six months rather than 12 months.

Income Cash In-Kind Total Value

Town 15,000 0 15,000

DRA TIF na na 0

County 0 0 0

Prvt. Contr. na na 0 * We haven't asked yet

Chamber 0 15,000 15,000







TRAVEL 1,000







RENT 1,000





CONTINGENCY 2,400 2,550

TOTAL EXPENSES 15,000 15,000


1997/98 Year Budget Summary

October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998

****** the Town Council and the Chamber have committed to fund this program for three years and have each committed $30,000 per year to signify the depth of our committment.

Income Cash In-Kind Total Value

Town 30,000 0 0

DRA TIF na na 0

County 0 0 0

Prvt. Contr. 10,000 na 10,000

Chamber 0 30,000 30,000








TRAVEL 2,000







RENT 2,000





CONTINGENCY 15,800 5,100

TOTAL EXPENSES 40,000 30,000


1998/99 Year Budget Summary

October 1, 1998 to September 30, 1999

****** the town council and the chamber have committed to fund this program for 3 years and have each committed $30,000 per year to signify the depth of our committment.

Income Cash In-Kind Total Value

Town 30,000 0 0

DRA TIF na na 0**Unknow n but should be avalable

County 0 0 0

Prvt. Contr. 10,000 na 10,000

Chamber 0 30,000 30,000







TRAVEL 2,000







RENT 2,000





CONTINGENCY 15,800 5,100

TOTAL EXPENSES 40,000 30,000

B. Public and Private Sector Involvement

1. How will both municipal and county governments participate in the Local Program? Be specific regarding responsibilities and roles.

The County is currently in the midst of construction of a $2.3 million dollar CRA project for Times Square. At the completion of the projects that the County has committed to for the Downtown Overlay Master Plan, it will be the responsibility of the Town of Fort Myers Beach working with the Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Downtown Merchants to continue the redevelopment and revitalization of the Downtown District. The Town Council is adopting by ordinance after review and hearing by their Local Planning Agency, the Downtown Overlay District and by adminstrative code the design guidelines for the Downtown. The formation of the Downtown Redevelopment Authority and the hiring of a program manager will allow the project to move to the next step. The program manager will be supervised by the DRA Board. IF THERE ARE ANY GAPS BETWEEN WHEN THE DRA IS ESTABLISHED AND THE HIRING OF THE PROJECT MANAGER, THE POSITION WILL BE SUPERVISED BY THE TOWN MANAGER AND PRESIDENT OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.

2. What support activities will be provided by the organizations listed in Section I- F and how will these organizations interact with the 1ocal Program? Be specific regarding responsibilities and roles.

The primary organization to interact with the local program will be the DRA and the Downtown Merchants Association. These entities will sponsor downtown special events, participate in Main Street training, encourage property owners to rehabilitate properties, and provide general marketing/promotional assistance to program area businesses. ***Some of the members of the Downtown Merchants Association have already attended Main Street training sessions and provided the interest and impetus for this application.

The Chamber of Commerce will provide financial assistance for three years and continue its overall marketing activities for the Town of Fort Myers Beach and will publicize the Main Street efforts in its various publications. It is hoped that the Chamber will sponsor a number of events in the Downtown District.

The Historic Society will continue to assist the community in promoting awareness of the rich historical history of our area. The Society is currently renovating a historical cottage and may be taking over management of a three-acre historical site that the Town is currently trying to buy. This site combines a historical homestead (1906) with a Calusa shell midden. The management plan combines both historical settler information with archaeological history and would become the anchor of Fort Myers Beach's Eco-Trail.

The Town of Fort Myers Beach will continue to provide financial support for three years and assist in grant applications and other functions as necessary.

3. How will any other community groups or service organizations participate in the Local Program? Be specific about responsibilities and roles.

The other groups and organizations will also continue to assist in the future redevelopment of Times Square and the Downtown District. Fort Myers Beach is a small town, located on a narrow barrier island, where all facets of our community help to improve the island. Specifically, the Concerned Citizens have taken over a landscaping project at the entrance to Times Square. The Kiwana's are interested in developing better signage for the entrance to downtown and the Town is evaluating sidewalk construction and landscaping adjacent to the Times Square Project. The Town is also evaluating plans to purchase Christmas decorations for the Downtown and Estero Boulevard.

4. How will you continue to generate public awareness of, involvement in, and financial support for the Local Program?

We have an excellent working relationship with the two local papers and the regional daily paper. Our efforts are regularly publicized, resulting in a great deal of input and assistance. Again, we are a small town on a narrow barrier island, where information travels very fast. SEE APPENDIX D.

C. Understanding of the Main Street Approach

1.What does your community expect to achieve by participating in the Florida Main Street Program? Be specific and identify the outcome or results expected from each of the four points of the Main Street Approach.

The overall vision for the Downtown District of Fort Myers Beach has been developed over the last six years through intensive workshops and charettes to create consensus and develop a direction for the community's future.

Our Vision

The Downtown District has been described in detail in the Overlay Master Plan, which is attached as an Exhibit. This masterplan is divided into districts and phases. We are currently in construction of Phase I, District 1, which is described as the Times Square Project and which we are viewing as Phase 1 of our Main Street application. We believe that when you couple a revitalized downtown with the natural amenities of gulf, beach and our developing ecological , historical and archaeological points of interest, a dynamic hallmark community is born.

Our Goals

The Town, Chamber of Commerce and future DRA and the local property owners and merchants will work together to expand membership and interest in the Downtown District.

Continue the work of the masterplan including drainage, sidewalks, lighting, off-street parking, landscaping, and other amenities throughout the Downtown District.

Work with the Program Manager and the future DRA to promote the Town Center through special events and activities.

Economic Restructuring Goals:

Conduct and maintain a database of available space, usage, and employees.

Actively recruit investors and developers for new compatible infill development of currently vacant or under utilized parcels.

Promote the Downtown District to out-of-town markets both national and international.

Encourage property and business owners to participate in the Downtown Zoning Overlay and Storefront Grant Program.

Market the Downtown District to Lee, Charlotte, Hendry, Dade, Broward and Collier County residents with significant disposable incomes.

Develop a long-term strategy for increasing the economic viability of the Downtown District.

Develop a festival strategy and plan and promote two hallmark festivals in the Downtown District.

Design Goals:

Redevelop accordong to the overlay masterplan and design guidelines.

Improve pedestrian amenities, parking, lanscaping and focus upon natural amenities (Gulf and beach)

Eliminate conflicts between traffic and pedestrians.

Promotion Goals:

Hold special events and two hallmark festivals in the Downtown District.

Develop street vending and sidewalk café style restaurant seating in the Downtown District.

Conduct promotion, coordinated advertising, and other business improvement seminars for merchants.

Encourage participation by local banks and successful large businesses in the future of the Downtown District.

2. How have you informed other community groups and citizens about your Local Program and the Main Street Approach?

Meetings of the local CRA are still held and advertised regularly in the local newspapers, and the NewsPress. All papers regularly run stories about the redevelopment activities in the Downtown District.

3. How many years do you anticipate participating in the Florida Main Street Program?

We would anticipate participating in the Main Street Program for as long as you will have us. We recognize that the redevelopment and revitalization process takes time and once we have successfully completed our goals then we would like to help the program to help other communities.

4. Did you apply to the Florida Main Street Program in previous years? If yes, what programs, activities or interest resulted from applying? Provide a brief overview of related accomplishments during the time since your last application was made.

No, the Town of Fort Myers Beach is six months old.

D. Plans for Program Manager

1. Will the Program Manager be a salaried or contract employee? Briefly describe the Program Manager selection process that was or will be used. If you have already hired a Program Manager attach a resume which indicates all relevant work experience of the person chosen.

The Program Manager will be a contract employee. An advertised selection process will be used to select a program manager and the selection committee will be made up of Town Council and Chamber members and/or designees, plus representatives from the merchants and Downtown Merchants Association.

2. What is the title of the individual to provide day-to-day supervision of the Program Manager? What is the relationship between this individual and the Board which will determine policy for the Local Program?

The Program Manager will be supervised by the Downtown Redevelopment Authority Board. If there is a gap prior to the formation of the DRA, then the Program Manager will be jointly supervised by the Town Manager and the President of the Chamber of Commerce.

3. How many hours per week will the Program Manager work on the Local Program?

40 hours per week.

4. What pay/benefits package will you offer the Program Manager? How does this compare to that of an Assistant City Manager, City Planner, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director or other similar professional positions?

The proposed annual salary appears competitive and we would look to increase that salary through fundraising efforts. The proposed benefit package would mirror those benefits provided to the Town and/or Chamber employees. At this time, no health or retirement benefits are included, but these benefits could always be added by the DRA Board.

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III. The Local Program Area

A. Built environment

What is the approximate age of the existing building stock in the local program area?

Pre - 1900: 0 1900 - 1920: 2 1920 - 1930: 2

1930 - 1945: 12 1945 - 1980: 83 Post - 1980: 1

Discuss the characteristics that make the local program area a cohesive and recognizable district having clearly defined boundaries and architectural character.

The revitalized Downtown District is discretely defined by the Overlay Master Plan as adopted by the Town Council. The boundaries of this district are clearly defined by map and by the physical landmarks of a barrier island. The Times Square area will serve as the entertainment heart of the district. The current construction project is installing pavers of tropical hues interspersed with lush landscaping. A wavy wall will mark the boundary between Times Square and one of the most famous and utitlized beach parks in Lee County. The commercial establishments along Times Square have the opportunity under the overlay master plan to make significant changes to their businesses and bring umbrella shaded café tables into the right-of-way in Times Square. The design guidelines provide for an old Florida retro/ CARIBBEAN look that is historically accurate. A search of old buidling types from the 1920's and 1930's would reveal an old Florida/CARIBBEAN architectural style with verandas, lacy gingerbread and tin roofs.

What federal, state, county and local government agencies are located in or adjacent to your local program area?

The Lee County Parks and Recreation Department provides staff at the Bay Oaks Community Center which is located about 2 miles from the program area. Lee County also provides staff for the two Beach Regional Parks located on Fort Myers Beach, one of which is adjacent to the Times Square District, and for the 12+ public beach access points. The Town Hall is located within two miles of the program area and the Chamber office is also located about 3 miles from the program area. The Sheriff maintains a mobile sub-station WITHIN the program area and a fire station is in close proximity.

4. Does the city have one or more districts listed in the National Register of Historic Places or designated under a local historic preservation ordinance? Is all or part of the Local/ Program Area located in such a district? Are there properties within the Local/ Program Area which are listed individually in the National Register or designated as landmarks under a local historic preservation ordinance? Are there any individual properties or districts which are pending National Register listing? If yes, briefly describe each.

The Downtown District has not been designated as an historic district. There are a number of properties that the Town Council will be submitting for National Designation, but those properties are not located within the Times Square/Downtown District.

5. Has a historic resource survey been conducted within the community? Has this survey included the Local Program Area? Are there plans for (additional) survey work in the Local Program Area?


6. How many blocks are in the Local Program Area?

20 blocks in phase I, 50 blocks total in master plan downtown district

7. How many buildings are in the Local Program Area?

100 buildings in phase 1, 250 buildings in total master plan downtown district


1. How many businesses are in the Local Program Area?

100 Buildings, 105 Businesses Phase I only

2. What is the appraised value of real property within the Local Program Area? (includes property-tax exempt sites)

$150,000,000 Downtown District-all phases

3. What is the appraised value of real property within the city?


4. What is the assessed tax base of the Local Program Area?

$100,000,000 Downtown District - all phases

5. What is the assessed tax base of the city?


6. How many workers are employed in the Local/ Program Area

a) Office: 0

b) Commercial: 400

Industrial: 0

7. What percentage of the buildings in the Local Program Area is:

a) Owner occupied: 65%

b) Renter occupied: 25%

Vacant: 15%

8. What percentage of the buildings in the Local Program Area is:

a) Privately owned: 80%

1) Local owner: 85%

2) Absentee landlord: 15%

b) Publicly owned: 20%

9. What are the current rents per square foot for commercial space in the Local Program Area?

a) Average: per square foot/year $15.00 per square foot/year

b) Lowest: per square foot/year $10.00 per square foot/year

Highest: per square foot/year $20.00 per square foot/year

10. Estimate the number of square feet of first floor vacancies in the local program area:

First floor vacancies: 50,000 square feet.

11. Estimate the number of parking spaces in the Local Program Area:

Total parking spaces: 500 Parking Spaces

On-Street Parking: There is no legal on-street parking in the local program area. Lee County DOT does not permit it. However, as the town takes control of these issues that prohibition may change.

Off-Street Parking: 500 PARKING SPACES

12. Estimate the percentage of the Local Program Area building space devoted to the following uses:

Retail First Floor % Upper Floor %

Professional Offices 10 0

Government Offices 0 0

Restaurants/Entertainment 25 5

Housing 20 40

Industry 0 0

Warehouse 0 0

Hotel 20 50

Other 5 5

Vacancy 20 0

TOTAL 100% 100%

13. How many of the following types of economic anchors are located in the Local Program Area?

Phase 1 only-does not include entire downtown district

Independent Chain


Department stores 0 0

Discount stores 0 0

Food markets 1 0

Tourist businesses 40 0

Service businesses 5 0

Specialty shops 10 0

Restaurants 20 3

Banks 0 0

Theaters 0 0

Churches 0 0

Hospitals 0 0

Town facilities 0 0

County facilities 3 0

State facilities 0 0

Courthouses 0 0

Libraries 0 0

Post offices 0 0

Schools 0 0

Other (Parks, piers, marinas and public beach access points)

10 0

14. Are properties in the Local Program Area subject to the provisions of a local historic preservation ordinance? If so, briefly describe the key provisions of the ordinance.


15. Are there any parks or recreation areas in the Local Program Area? If yes, indicate the acreage of each and describe briefly.

Yes, one of the most popular beach regional parks, Lyn Hall Park is located in the program area adjacent to Times Square. The park has 200 parking spaces with bathhouse and a recently renourished wide sandy beach. Within the program area is a resort with pier where the Fun Cruise docks and there are marina operations also. Just outside the program area is Bodwitch regional park on the northern tip of Estero Island. This park has a bathhouse, a village deck for group gatherings, a covered waiting area for trolley service, a boardwalk that leads to picnic areas and beach. We also have a number of beach accesses in the program area that provide public access and metered parking.

16. What other cultural, social, ethnic features or other special qualities does the Local Program Area or surrounding area possess?

We have spoken at length about our natural amenities. We have a beautiful beach and Gulf in our downtown area. We have public access to both the beach and the bay.

17. Describe housing stock within the Local Program Area and housing issues within the Local Program Area and/or adjacent areas. How many dwelling units are there in the Local Program Area:

Exact information on housing stock within the program area is not yet available. The majority of this area is in commercial use and all studies have focused on commercial use. However, the overlay master plan calls for mixed use in the program area by allowing for three floors and allowing for third floor apartment and/or condo use.

Describe previous revitalization and preservation activities:

1. How have public and private sector groups shown their support for downtown revitalization in the past? Identify groups and specific activities and programs.

Please see letters in Appendix C and previous detail provided in sections concerning active community groups.

2. Within the last 10 years, what major landscaping, infrastructure improvements and public or private sector rehabilitation's have taken place within the Local Program Area and what were the sources of funding for these projects? Identify any such projects currently planned for the Local Program Area.

Again, this application is full of detail about the current improvements under construction in Times Square. Prior to this construction, the area has been planning for these improvements for over seven years through participation in the county's CRA program. Fort Myers Beach has been the subject of many studies by the county but very little of that study has been implemented. The new town hopes to rectify that problem and looks to the Main Street program to assist us.

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IV. Overall Need and Potential

A. Need for Downtown Revitalization

1. What are the three major assets and three major liabilities of the local program area as it exists today?


Eclectic structures and strong natural amenities (gulf, beach, bay, marina's parks and public beach access)


Commitment of local property owners and residents in tandem with the Town and Chamber.

First step in the redevelopment, revitalization is currently under construction.

recently renourished wide sandy beach in the local program area.


Infrastructure lacking in other phases of the Downtown District - sidewalks etc.

Need for parking for both beach and downtown visitors-particularly better parking choices for short term parking, i.e. shopping and/or restaurant touring

Underutilization of property and revitalization of blighted property and use of vacant property.

Appearance - need for finish and/or detail to make downtown pedestrian friendly.

2. Why does your community need the Florida Main Street Program?

First and foremost, the downtown district needs the technical assistance offered by the main street program to help us design and implement the redevelopment and revitalization needed and wanted in this district. As a new Town, we must look to sources of assistance beyond the county structure. We look forward to benefiting from the experience of other main street communities in their successful efforts to revitalzie their downtowns. Finally, we believe that the prestige of being designated as a main street community will help us to market and promote the downtown district.

Potential for Success

1. Why do you think your community would be a successful Florida Main Street community?

We have discussed at length our reasons for wanting to participate in this program. the fact that we are a new town just adds more excitement to possible participation. Please see our introductory staement for further clarification.

2. What impact will a local Main Street program have on the assets and liabilities outlined in A.1 above?

Significant. We have tremendous potential with incredible natural amenities. We just need technical direction and focus to assure success.

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Appendix A

This section should include the following in the order indicated:

Town street map outlining the local program area to which the slides are keyed.

Description sheet for slides.

A copy or photocopy or photograph at least 8" by 10" showing an aerial view of the local program area within the context of the downtown. the local program area should be clearly outlined on the photograph.

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Appendix B

This section should contain the following in the order indicated.

Notarized certification of duly authorized representative of the organization applying.

Notarized certification of the availability of full funding for the first year of the program.

Notarized certification of intent to hire a full-time program manager.

Resolution passed by the municipal governing body showing support for the local program.

Verification for funding of all years applicable.

Verification of public sector funding support.

List of all in kind services donated to the local program.

Articles of incorporation for applicant organization or agency.

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Appendix C

Letters from other organizations.

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Appendix D

Press clippings

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Appendix E


Town: Fort Myers Beach

County: Lee

Organization: Town of Fort Myers Beach and The Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce

Mailing address: 2523 Estero Boulevard

Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931

Representative; Marsha Segal-George

Town Manager

I certify that I am a duly authorized representative of the applicant and that, to the best of my knowledge, the information presented in this application is accurate. I further certify that it is the intent of the applicant to execute the Florida Main Street Services Agreement and an Historic Preservation Grant-in-aid Application upon designation as a Florida Main Street Community.

Signature:_______________________________________ Date:



Funding Certification

I hereby certify that on July 25, 1996 Fort Myers Beach has sufficient dollars in hand and in-kind services pledged for 6 months of the Local Program's participation in the Florida Main Street Program and that these funds are allocated for this purpose. I further certify that Fort myers beach and the fort myers beach chamber of commerce has pledged and agreed to fund participation in the florida main street program for three full years, as indicated in the Application Budget Summaries.

Signature of duly authorized representative______________________ Date

Marsha Segal-George, Town Manager



Certification of Intent to hire a program manager

I hereby certify that theTown of Fort Myers Beach in joint venture with The Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce agrees to employ a full-time Program Manager for a period of at least 12 (twelve) months following execution of a formal Florida Main Street Service Agreement between the Division of Historical Resources and our agency/organization.


Signature of duly authorized representative Date



Marsha Segal-George, Town Manager




#7. In-kind services

The Chamber is providing $15,000 in kind for 6 months of 1996-1997 and has agreed to $30,000 in kind for 3 full years of participation in the Main Street Program.

#8. articles of incorporation

The Chamber Foundation articles of incorporation are included.

Description of slides


Go to top of page Go to the Home Page
 Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida Government of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Better Place - Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Budget of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Calendar of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Ordinances of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Charter of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Council of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Staff of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Council Agendas of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Council Packets of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Council Packets of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Council Minutes of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The LPA Minutes of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Land Development Code of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Planning of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Permits of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Employment and Requests for Bids
The Advisory Committees of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Newsletter of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Programs of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
AM Radio Station of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Film Festival of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Beach Restoration Project of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Beach Water Utility Service of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Cultural and Environmental Learning Center of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Harbor Plan of Fort Myers Beach, FL
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Mainstreet Program of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Flood Protection Program of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida