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The Pool Group

Ellie Bunting
Kitty Taylor
Eleanor Pearson
Fran Myers
Roxie Smith
John Gucciardo
Gretchen Johnson
Michael Lund
Eleanor Pearson
Judy Pisano
Andy Priem
Roxie Smith
Kitty Taylor
Sue Vayo


The Community Pool, Fort Myers Beach, Florida


The purpose and mission of the Fort Myers Beach Build a Pool Foundation is to raise funds for the operation and maintenance of a community pool that offers aquatics helath and safety for all members of the community. In addition, the Foundation will assist town officials in planning, designing, and setting policy for operating the facility.




The Board of Directors of the Fort Myers Beach Build a Pool Foundation represents a cross section of community members.

Officers for 1998-2000

President Kitty Taylor

Vice President Eleanor Pearson

Recording Secretary Ellie Bunting

Corresponding Secretary Gretchen Johnson

Treasurer Debra McIntyre


Current Board Members

Lee Conger

Father Thomas Goggin

John Gucciardo,

Staff representative from the Town

Of Fort Myers Beach

Betty Hoffman

Rusty Isler

Ray Judah

Jennifer Kaestner

Michael Lund

Vicki Massey

Curt McIntyre

Maryann Monsrud

Fran Myers

Roxie Smith

Sue Vayo

The Board members serve on one or more of the working committees, which include fund raising, design, public relations, events, finance and program.





The Fort Myers Beach Build a Pool Foundation was incorporated in November 1996 as a not-for-profit corporation to raise funds for the operation and maintenance of a community pool that offers aquatics health and safety for all members of the community. In addition, the Foundation is assisting the town and county officials in planning, designing, and setting policy for operating the facility.

To date, the Pool Foundation has accomplished several milestones in reaching its goal to open a community pool. These include:

  • Acquiring the necessary monies from the Lee County Commission for construction of the pool ($1.7 million);
  • Purchasing the land for the pool site, ($1 million) located directly across from the ball fields near Bay Oaks Recreation Center, and auctioning the houses that were on the site, raising $17,500;
  • Selecting the design team of Wiley and Parker to build the pool and appointing Bob Taylor as construction manager, and Bill Mudgett as architect; and
  • Gaining the financial backing of a major business - Sunstream, who has agreed to match $1 for every $4 raised by the Foundation, up to $10,000 a year for five years - and two community civic organizations - $5000 from the Fort Myers Beach Kiwanis and $5000 from the Rotary Club of Fort Myers Beach.


Our beautiful gulf waters offer our residents and visitors a great place to soak up the sun and enjoy the multitude of water sports that make our beach community a paradise. However, the gulf waters are not appropriate for instructional swimming and the many other advantages that a community swimming pool provides. The benefits of a community pool are numerous:

  • Instructional swimming for all ages and Red Cross instruction;
  • Physical fitness and health, such as water aerobics, lap swimming, aquatics therapy for the elderly, disabled, and people with medical conditions such as arthritis, MS, and chronic back problems, and as a site for hosting Special Olympics;
  • Competitive swimming for all ages, including swim meets and invitationals, synchronized swimming, and team training;
  • College break tie-ins with visiting swim teams and coaches' conventions and clinics; and
  • Recreational events, private parties, community gatherings, school parties, and summer day camps.


An architect's drawing of the pool complex is printed on the inside of this brochure. It will help you visualize the finished product. The area will include a six-lane lap pool, a giant slide, and separate wet playground for toddlers.

There will be a dressing and bath rooms with showers and lockers, an office, lifeguard station, and concession area. The deck will be well lit and the pools will have underwater lighting. The area will have several large colorful umbrellas, and the entire facility will be accessible to those in our community who are disabled.


The Pool Foundation will assist town officials in setting policies regarding pool operations. Even though not yet cast in stone, the following are some basic operation philosophies adopted by the Pool Foundation:

1. The pool will provide structured activities, such as swimming lessons, water aerobics classes, lap swimming, scuba diving and water safety.

2. It will offer open swimming for all ages and will be staffed by trained lifeguards and pool supervisors.

3. Rules and regulations will help keep the area safe for all residents, such as no glass, no alcohol or smoking, no food in pool area.

4. Pool hours will reflect the needs of the community as a whole.


With the Lee County Commission providing the funding for construction of the pool, the Fort Myers Beach Build A Pool Foundation entered into an agreement with the Fort Myers Beach Town Council to assist in raising the necessary funds to operate the facility. The number one priority at this time is raising $300,000 by the opening, scheduled for the summer of 1999. This $300,000 will provide a solid base to operate the pool for the first five years.

The Board members and volunteers for the Pool Foundation are canvassing the Town of Fort Myers Beach to solicit the support of the community in raising the funds to operate the pool. If all businesses, social and civic groups, and residents of Fort Myers Beach do their share to support this exciting new project, the pool will be a success.


You can help in a variety of ways; however initially the best way is to become one of the GEMS (Generous and Eager Members for Swimming) by providing the financial support that is necessary to make the pool a reality. There are several levels of giving opportunities, ranging from $50 to $25,000+. These levels are more clearly identified in the insert included with this brochure.

Once the funds are raised to operate the pool for the first five years, it is anticipated that some of the operating costs will come from the fees charged to swim. There will be opportunities for lifetime and annual memberships for individuals and families.

In addition to individual and business contributions and pledges, the Pool Foundation will sponsor golf tournaments and other fund-raising projects throughout the year to provide the community with entertainment while supporting the pool project.

Numerous other opportunities for individuals to volunteer their time and talents to help the Pool Foundation will be offered throughout the year.


The Fort Myers Build A Pool Foundation Board members have set up a Speaker's Bureau to get the message out to the community about the project. Board members are prepared to speak to any size of group, large or small, to talk about the project and answer any questions. To schedule a speaker, call 765-0919, ext. 108.

(From the minutes of the 6/3/96 Town Council Meeting)
Build The Pool Team

VII PRESENTATION BY THE POOL GROUP Ellie Bunting gave an update for the Build The Pool team. They meet weekly to make plans for their first fundraising effort. They have retained an attorney to help them became a not-for-profit corporation. The next step is to hire a CPA to help in preparing the IRS documents so that donations can be tax deductible, and also to help with books. The expenses to become a corporation are quite high and the team is looking for ways to raise money to cover administrative and annual costs without taking them out of the operating costs for the pool. They have sent letters to local organizations and clubs asking for donations. They want to have a fund-raiser that will become an annual event. There will be a community meeting next Monday here at Town Hall at 7:00 P.M.

(From the minutes of the 6/3/96 Town Council Meeting)

The third issue is in regard to the use of community park impact fees. There is $500,000 in the fund. Commissioner Judah last week asked if they could move $300,000 out to be used by the DOT to build the south end sidewalks this summer. There was some dissension at the Board of Commissioners about what that money was earmarked for with regard to the sidewalk CRA issue and the pool issue. She would like the Council to prepare a letter stating the Council's understanding for the use of the money. Since that time, the pool committee has met with Mr. Judah. The pool committee is making a resolution agreeing to the understanding that the $300,000 would be used for the south end sidewalks. Mr. Judah is trying to move $200,000 for Cypress Lake High School, and the pool committee is willing to forego any attachment to those dollars in this current year with the understanding that the pool will be bonded in 1996-7 in order for the county to begin land acquisition and start design.

(From the minutes of the 9/30/96 Town Council Meeting)


Mr. Isler reported that a blue sheet has gone to the BOCC for the County to acquire the land for the pool and adopt funding which uses Community Park Impact Fees to provide design and construction. The Town staff has drafted a letter for the mayor to sign to support the recommendation and the Council approved sending the letter. The Council had a question about the site that was mentioned in the blue sheet. The pool group should be asked to come to the Council to make a report.

(From the minutes of the 10/21/96 Town Council Meeting)


The pool committee is forming a not-for-profit corporation, but the county will not enter into an agreement with them. It must be between two governments so Mr. Roosa recommended that the Council sign the interlocal. The county will retain title to the property and the Town will maintain it. Mr. Roosa said that the County can never charge the Town rent for the land. If the Town cannot operate the facility, it will revert back to the county. The pool will be open to everyone in Lee County and all visitors. Mr. Gucciardo stated that the pool committee is still in the process of getting the not-for-profit designation, but then they can hold many more fund-raisers. They are confident that in three years they will have plenty of resources to cover the maintenance.

Motion: Mr. Isler moved and Mayor Cereceda seconded that the interlocal be signed with the County. Mayor Cereceda, Mr. Isler, and Mr. Murphy voted for the motion. Mr. Reynolds was opposed. The motion passed.

(From the minutes of the 12/2/96 Town Council Meeting)


Mr. Roosa said that the commissioners have requested this change because they were concerned that the admission price be the same for everyone in the county. The only change is 1.3. Mr. Reynolds would like to add a statement at the end after "the county's best interest": "However, after ten (10) years of successful maintenance and operation of the pool and the land site, the County shall sell the pool and the site to the Town of Fort Myers Beach for the sum of one dollar ($1.00). The pool and site shall forever become the sole property and ownership of the Town of Fort Myers Beach." Mr. Roosa is not sure this is the proper time to approach this with the county based on the current climate with the county. He provided the Council with an alternate page 3 which adds that language. Mayor Cereceda was afraid that it would delay the project by several months.

Motion: Mr. Isler moved and Mayor Cereceda seconded that the interlocal be signed in its original form. The motion passed unanimously.

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Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
The Community Pool of the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
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Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida