
Ray Murphy
Ray holds Seat #5 on the Town Council. His second three-year
term ends in December, 2001. He has served as both Mayor and Vice Mayor. His Town Council Subject
Assignments are Town finances, revenues, budgets, grants and risk
Born in 1958, Ray has lived on Fort Myers Beach for 13 years;
he and his wife, Kelli, have a 7-year old daughter, Meggy. An
active parishioner in the Church of the Ascension, he is a 4th
Degree Knight in the Knights of Columbus.
Ray graduated from Villanova's College of Commerce and Finance
with a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and has done
graduate work in various areas of finance. He is president of his
own firm, R. P. Murphy & Associates, Inc., which is involved
in real estate management, consulting, leasing and sales.
Ray can be emailed at [email protected].
