
the Birth of the Town of Fort Myers Beach
Now in its second year of existence as a town, the Town of Fort Myers Beach is the newest municipality to be incorporated in Florida. After a vigorously debated
campaign, the citizens of Fort Myers Beach passed a referendum asking the Florida State Legislature to allow Fort Myers Beach to become a municipality. The State
Legislature passed the required legislation, and it became law without Governor Chiles' signature on June 17, 1995. Elections for Town Council were held in
November and December and on December 31, 1995, the Town of Fort Myers Beach was born.
While the bill to create the Town was working its way through the legislature, a Transition Team was formed to do the necessary advance preparation. A Town
Charter was drafted with a City Manager/Town Council form of municipal government. Through numerous visits and telephone calls to other communities the
Transition Team became informed about which policies and procedures would and would not work for the Town.
The City of Sanibel was of major assistance to the Transition Team and in the first months of the Town's existence.provided their Assistant City Manager, Bill Mills,
to be the Town's Acting Town Manager until a search could be completed and a full-time Town Manager hired.

The Transition Team for the Town of Fort Myers Beach

Letter from the Transition Team to the Members of the First Town Council of the Town of Fort Myers Beach
The Transition Team was organized to gather information to present to the first Town Council members to help them get started on the task of bringing home-rule to
our island. The team consisted of many volunteers who graciously gave their time and paid their own expenses because they believed in this new governmental unit.
The team realized that the candidates who would run for town council would be occupied with the election campaign. By gathering the information ahead of time the
team hoped to make the transition easer for those elected. The team wishes to extend a big Thank You to the dedicated individuals who have committed their
time to serve the citizens of the Town of Fort Myers Beach as our first Town Council members.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bill Shenko, Moderator
Notley Alford, Ann Alsop, Jim Bradford, George Brown, Lisa Burkhardt, Lesa Burton, Johanna Campbell, Don Deane, June Denison, Doug Eckhardt, Fred DePiro, Judy FitzSimons, Jim Greco, Jack and Betty Henriksen, Charles and Jodi Hester, Jack Heyman, Harold Huber, Beth Jordan, Marion Leitzen, Maria Loffreno, Gretchen Johnson, Jack Markham, Curtis McIntyre, Charles Meador, Judy Mitchie, Annie Nefrenach, Dick Place, Ele Riedel, Kay Rochelle, Betty Simpson, Bill Smith, Dave and Cherie Smith, Roxie Smith, Dean Southworth, Charles and Sandy Souter, Karen Swanbeck, Ernie and Jan Warrick, Bill Whittaker

Previous Attempts at Incorporation

The first attempt to incorporate Fort Myers Beach occured in the mid 1940's and failed by a margin of six or seven votes. A second try in the late 40's lost by a
larger number, and an attempt in November, 1953 was a total failure. Using a newly written Charter stipulating that no more than two mills on the tax rate could be
assessed without a referendum, the 1957 attempt was defeated by a margin of 88 votes. Using the same Charter in the winter of 1960, the effort to incorporate lost
by 50 votes with feelings running strong and voting turnout high.

A history of the legislative process taken to create the Town of Fort Myers Beach

1995 FL H.B. 1949
Relates to Lee County; creates the "Town of Fort Myers Beach charter"; provides for the
corporate name and purpose of the charter; establishes territorial boundaries of the
municipality and authorizes annexations; provides powers of the municipality and of
certain officers; provides for election of a town council, including the mayor and vice
mayor, and provides for qualifications, powers, and duties of its membership, and a
procedure for establishing their compensation and expense reimbursement.
03/13/95 INTRODUCED.
03/15/95 To HOUSE Committee on COMMUNITY AFFAIRS.
03/15/95 Additionally referred to HOUSE Committee on FINANCE AND TAXATION.
03/15/95 Additionally referred to HOUSE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS.
04/26/95 From HOUSE Committee on COMMUNITY AFFAIRS: Reported with amendment.
05/01/95 Withdrawn from HOUSE Committee on FINANCE AND TAXATION.
05/02/95 Withdrawn from HOUSE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS.
05/05/95 Amended on HOUSE floor. Passed HOUSE. ***** To SENATE.
05/05/95 To SENATE Committee on RULES & CALENDAR.
05/05/95 Withdrawn from SENATE Committee on RULES & CALENDAR.
05/05/95 Passed SENATE.
06/01/95 ***** To GOVERNOR.
06/17/95 Became law without GOVERNOR's signature.
