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Council Minutes : February 27, 1997



FEBRUARY 27, 1997

Nations Bank, Council Chambers

2523 Estero Boulevard





The meeting was opened on Thursday, February 27, 1997, at 6:37 P.M. by Anita T. Cereceda, Mayor.

Present at the meeting were: Anita T. Cereceda, Mayor and Council Member; Ted FitzSimons, Vice Mayor and Council Member; Council Members Rusty Isler, Ray Murphy, and Garr Reynolds; Marsha Segal-George, Town Manager; and Attorney Richard Roosa.



All assembled recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.



There was no public comment.



Mr. Roosa provided the Council with a copy of a proposed resolution including a drawing, and the special master’s recommendation and a copy of the judge’s order. He told the Council that the applicant has asked that the area marked as "existing store" on the drawing be included in the marked area also. It will not increase the size of the restaurant but will allow them more leeway in where they place their restaurant.

Mr. Isler asked why the resolution does not include more history including the denials by the Council. He also wanted it stated that the Council is complying with the judge’s order rather than hearing the case on merits. Mr. Roosa suggested adding "in compliance with the court order" at the end of the "Now, therefore" paragraph. Mr. Isler also asked if the findings and conclusions could be removed. Mr. Roosa suggested adding a period on #3 after "beer and wine to add liquor."


Motion: Mr. Murphy moved and Mayor Cereceda seconded that the resolution be accepted as amended. Mr. Murphy, Mayor Cereceda and Mr. FitzSimons voted for the motion. Mr. Isler and Mr. Reynolds voted against the motion. The motion carried.

Discussion: Mr. Reynolds stated that he felt it was a shame that the Council was forced to pass this because he felt the Council knows more about the case than the judge.




Marty Redovan of Schultz Chaipell & Co. noted the good news that the Town’s first audit showed no material deficiencies. He went through the audit page by page to explain the different parts of the audit. There are four recommendations for the Town to improve its internal structure: have the Assistant Town Manager receive the bank statements unopened and review it before giving it to the Administrative Assistant to be balanced; cancel invoices with date, check number, account code, and approval signature; set forth a policy for compensated absences in the event of employee termination; and require more documentation before travel expenditures are reimbursed.

Mr. Gucciardo noted that items 1 and 4 have already been initiated, 2 is being worked on, and 3 still needs to be completed.


Mr. Gucciardo explained the different accounts. He explained that the balance in the operating account is higher than one would normally expect because the Town is getting as much interest in that account as in the investment accounts. He also mentioned that the $500,000 loan should come close to paying for itself.


Mr. Gucciardo explained that the report is similar to ones that will be submitted to the Council in the future. At the second regular meeting of each month the Council will receive a report of year-to-date and monthly activity for the previous month. He suggested that these reports replace the expenditure report they are now receiving. The next step is to see how the numbers compare to the budget and eventually to have the budget follow the same account codes.


Before the Town can spend any of the additional funds they have received that were not in the original budget, the budget must be amended. There will be about $400,000 of additional revenue. The money is to be put into reserves or the gas tax fund, and the grant money will be put into particular funds for that purpose. Council will probably receive the amendment by the second meeting of March.



Mr. Reynolds asked for a clarification on abstaining from voting. Mr. Roosa stated that unless a Council Member has an economic interest, they must vote. It is malfeasance of office otherwise. He also stated that in case of a tie, the motion fails. Mr. Roosa interpreted the Charter to read that three members are a quorum and that for anything to pass, it must be passed by a majority of the Council, not a majority of the members present at the meeting.

Mayor Cereceda said that there should be no public comment at workshops unless the Council is taking input from certain groups, because a workshop is strictly for work by the Council. Mr. Reynolds asked if there should be a time for Council Members’ items. Mayor Cereceda felt that that should be reserved for the regular meetings. Mr. Isler felt that for the appearance of openness, public comment should be allowed at the end of the workshop. The Council agreed.

Mr. Isler complimented the staff on the budget and the audit.


There was no public comment.




Motion: Mr. Murphy moved that the meeting be adjourned.


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Peggy Salfen

Administrative Assistant

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