Ordinance 97-07
10. SECTION 2. Title and Citation
This ordinance shall be known as the "Town of Fort Myers Beach Public Preservation Lands Taxing Unit."
10. SECTION 3. Consent and inclusion of Town Property in the taxing unit.
The Town Council of the Town of Fort Myers Beach hereby formally consents to the establishment, by Lee County, of a municipal service taxing unit (MSTU) to be known as the Lee County Preservation Lands Taxing Unit as presently codified by Lee County Ordinance 97-08. The Town Council further consents to the inclusion in said taxing unit of all of the lands within the Town's boundaries, to include all described properties located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Town of Fort Myers Beach.
10. Section 4. Term for which said consent is given.
Any ad valorem millage to be levied by the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County as the Governing Board of the Preservation Lands Taxing Unit within the Taxing Unit properties authorized and consented to hereby in Section One, shall not exceed 0.5 mills per each taxing year for a period not to exceed seven (7) years commencing fiscal year 97/98. The provisions for which the foregoing consent is given shall be consistent with and not exceed the conditions as set out in Lee County Ordinance 97-08.